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Author: Subject: Nomad Pi$$ing Match Theorum
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 04:47 PM
Nomad Pi$$ing Match Theorum

I ain't as sharp as ol' Pythagoras or Euclid but I have come up with a theorum for predicting whether a post has become a pi$$ing match on Nomads WITHOUT HAVING TO CLICK ON IT. This may save some well-meaning or newbie Nomads countless hours searching through threads that will eventually end up giving them a Nomadic Chubasco; the most severe manifestation.

It goes like this:

If a / b > 1.5, then c is the result, where:

a= no. of PAGES OF POSTS, espressed as a whole number
b= no. of DAYS since the original post began
c= pi$$ing match

The theory here is that MOST posts that generate over 1.5 pages per day are likely to be more than, well, casual interaction between posters.

There are exceptions; use this only as an aid to navigation, along with other traditional common sense.

This theorum stems from observations made over the course of a number of years of professional Nomad research, even dating back to my graduate studies on the Amigos de Baja board.

To correlate my graduate studies to the Nomads board, I determined a similar ratio, using an equivalency of the size of a Nomad page converted to number of posts divided by hours since the original post. This is due to the fact that the A de B board did not display in multiple pages.

Ancillary research has also been performed on various San Carlos forums and even earlier research on the Allcoast Sportfishing Board. Credit must also be given the BD Outdoors Board (aka Bloody Decks board), which is the Holy Grail of research in this area.

With this theorum, the relative strength of the stream of the pi$$ing match can also be inferred by observing the ratio of c and applying it to the following Table of Periodic Nomad Chubascos:

Stage One 1.5-1.75 [mostly a dri-bble, Kleenex should be at hand]

Stage Two 1.75-2.0 [fluid extends out a few inches from the source in a small arc in a single direction]

State Three 2.0-3.0 [fluid exhibits noticeable strength and from more than one source. The angle of the arc increases noticeably]

Stage Four 3.0-5.0 [fluids extends out in nearly a flat line with little arc, from 3-5 sources. Splattering can occur on unintended posters]

Stage Five 5.0 or > [fluid strength can actually knock posters off the board for undetermined periods of time. Fluids can emanate from greater than 5 sources and be directed in multiple directions. Originating sources have lost the ability to control their instrument]

Ratios of 5.0 or greater are, thankfully, rare. But when observed, it results in a manifestation that resembles a rain. Hence, the slang term, Nomadic Chubasco. Ever try avoiding a chubasco when it forms around you? It is difficult to escape.

Apologies if the descriptions regarding the various stages are offensive to males, by virtue of their similarities to male urination habits. No bias or prejudice should be implied.

But my research continually found that instances of ALL stages usually involved posters exhibiting overt male characteristics. It seemed only natural to create a scale based on this.

There is still much research to be done. I am hopeful that I can elicit some other graduate students to undertake research whereby the angle of the arc (measured in radians) between Stages Two and Three can be used to predict the likelihood of a Nomadic Chubasco.

Other areas of research that need to be conducted involve predictions based on the actual POSTER generating the thread.

This is a field ripe with possibilities; Skeet/Loreto, DavidK, mtgoat666 are but a few likely areas.

But the research will not be easy as the field is also fraught with red herrings like Pompano, Woody with a View and Shari.

This theorum, while based on research from many boards, is only deemed reliable on the Nomads board and should be considered free-ware, share-ware; without restrictions on use.

It is for the good of all Nomadkind.

[Edited on 6-11-2012 by Hook]

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woody with a view
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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 04:55 PM

that's some lofty company! i'm not worthy!!! nothing like a little elbow rubbing with the Hollywood B-listers to get you thinking about life's more pressing issues, eh?

Anyone wanna check his math?:lol:

images.jpg - 10kB

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bill erhardt
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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:03 PM

Hook......I hope the fishing picks up over there. Here, too......
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:07 PM

In this case, Woody, it's GOOD to be a red herring.

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woody with a view
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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:14 PM


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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by bill erhardt
Hook......I hope the fishing picks up over there. Here, too......

Bill, it's really picked up over here. I just picked YESTERDAY to go and the conditions were horrid. Today was a trailer maintenance day and I finished early.

Dorado are in in size and quantity, lots and lots of billfish of all kinds (blues, stripers, sails) and some VERY large tuna have been playing havoc with undergunned fishermen. Some YFT in the 10-20lb class have been landed and ones over 100 lbs have been spotted airborne. It is assumed that those are the ones that are giving some grief.

All of this is going on in some rather GREEN water, only 10-20 miles from port.

Never have I seen so many skipjack that are perfect marlin bait sized; about 15-18 inches long. But I dont fish for marlin so they are a nuisance to me.

Even makos have been spotted jumping.

In point of fact, one Nomad claims to have caught a 58 lb. dorado about a week ago.;)

Come on over. There's plenty of slips in your size class.

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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:31 PM

The photo showed (what looked like) a 58# dodo.


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bill erhardt
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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 05:39 PM

Hook.....That sounds great! There are a few pelagics here and biting, but nothing like that. The surface temps in the SOC have been interesting this year. I can't remember ever seeing the warm water concentrated on the Mainland side as it has been this late in the season. Maybe, when the SST rises and levels out on this side we'll get our fair share.
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[*] posted on 6-11-2012 at 09:50 PM


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[*] posted on 6-12-2012 at 08:35 AM

I suck at math but your equations are entertaining! Red herring eh...most excellent eating!

ya know what's funny is that when I see what should be a normal thread that goes to several pages and stays on the first page...I just HAVE to check it it morbid curiosity or a need for entertainment...but I am rarely disappointed and most often thoroughly well as gain insight into other nomad amigos I highly recommend newbies to go ahead and open those threads and enjoy the show!

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[*] posted on 6-12-2012 at 08:39 AM

Very creative Hook!:lol:

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[*] posted on 6-12-2012 at 08:41 AM

I think you forgot to mention that the angle of the dangle is equal to the square root of the poster's motive

[Edited on 6-12-2012 by durrelllrobert]

Bob Durrell
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[*] posted on 6-12-2012 at 09:16 AM

Ah, very interesting --- reminds me a bit of Alan Watts for many reasons. :biggrin:

Perhaps however, you missed one element in the equation and that is the BS that appears. BS is not lying, it is just done to make the writer look good. The wind is tested and followed. I have no idea how that would fit into the equation, but it is almost always there. :biggrin:

[Edited on 6-12-2012 by DianaT]

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-12-2012 at 10:06 AM

I need to point out that the magic 1.5 ratio CAN OCCUR AT ANY POINT IN A THREAD, not just from the get-go.

This does, of course, risk exposing the casual poster to the "stream" while delving into the pages of the post.

I hope none of you think I am taking this very seriously, I just saw a chance to write some humorous stuff. But I DO avoid posts that suddenly spring up with multiple pages in a short time. They are almost always a PM and USUALLY there is very little new information to be gleaned.

There are exceptions. Turtle Soup was a great look at the Mexican legal system. Still is, apparently.

I havent looked in on the latest Skeet post that's staying near the top since the first page. But there's gotta be a fight going on in there, I'll bet. :smug:

Probably about fishing or religion or the alleged demise of Loreto. Am I right on any of those?

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[*] posted on 2-10-2022 at 11:01 AM

A thread started specifically about Nomad bull shift, got hijacked into a fishing thread! Usually, it goes the other way.

Good read, and it is from before I even knew about this forum, so it is new to me.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-10-2022 at 05:35 PM

Jesus Cristo, that topic couldn't have been more indicative of what I was looking for. I must have glazed over, mentally, after the 5-7 year mark.
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