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Author: Subject: Mi amigo Fernando (FDT)...
David K
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Mood: Have Baja Fever

[*] posted on 1-12-2017 at 01:07 PM

Here is the thread, John:

Here is the GoFundMe link from that thread:

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by David K]

"So Much Baja, So Little Time..."

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[*] posted on 1-12-2017 at 01:43 PM

Boy, we need someone in TJ to help with this is what it sounds like to me.

Are they trying to sell the house or it is just in need of urgent repairs?

Come visit La Bocana

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John M
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[*] posted on 1-12-2017 at 02:23 PM
Ferna's daughters and family

Blanca, in my exchanges with whom I believe to be the eldest daughter, it appears that they intend to stay as long as it is possible. She was, as I said a couple of weeks ago, trying to find decent employment. Another family member, and I apologize for not recalling more detail, will or has moved in to help the girls.

Ken Cooke and his friend Gabriella are probably the best contact persons. I understand from Ken that Gabriella has local Tijuana contacts.

John M
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Ken Cooke
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Mood: Pole Line Road postponed due to injury

[*] posted on 1-12-2017 at 04:46 PM

I am on standby..

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David K
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[*] posted on 10-11-2021 at 11:30 AM

Remembering Ferna de Tijuana, five years later.

"So Much Baja, So Little Time..."

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[*] posted on 10-11-2021 at 12:24 PM

5 years already? Wow. Good guy, for sure missed.

Come visit La Bocana

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.
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Don Jorge
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[*] posted on 10-11-2021 at 01:01 PM

Fernando was a good man. The toy drives he organized were wonderful. But boy did he manage to get himself in some deep do do crossing the toys and bikes to give away.

The border rules and the game we were all familiar with for so many years had new rules, enforced rules no less, and we all learned new lessons, expensive ones at that, about this new border, quickly.

Yet no matter how deep the do do was, he managed to keep his happy positive attitude front and center. And somehow, usually thanks to Doug and Baja Bound Insurance, he managed to bail the goods out of customs and get everything across and given away to some very deserving and appreciative people. Well almost everything.

Wonder what happened to those 200 soccer balls from China with Pakastani paperwork? ? :lol:

�And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.�― John Steinbeck

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[*] posted on 10-11-2021 at 02:53 PM

Some people leave a wake in their passing. This man leaves a void.

Hopefully his acts in life of charity will be carried on in his

remembrance. D.E.P.
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