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Author: Subject: Mulege Rotary Club looking for donations
Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 01:55 PM
Mulege Rotary Club looking for donations

Announcement from the Rotary Club -

Heading south to Mulege soon? Our community has many elderly people living here that are in great need of wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, portable commodes, etc. If you have a spare you no longer need, it would be GREATLY appreciated it if you could donate it to our Mulege Rotary Food Bank (we offer more than food to the community). We are also in need of personal hygiene products, diapers (adult and baby), and food. Donations can be delivered to the Ciudadana Office in the Delegado Building at the opposite end of the SAPA office. Ivonne Viruette is in the office Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. Thanks so much! Monetary donations can be made to

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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 04:58 PM

Salvation Army and goodwill used to have crutches, walkers etc. for so cheap. Like $2 cheap.

Not sure if it is the same now?

Come visit La Bocana

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 05:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
Salvation Army and goodwill used to have crutches, walkers etc. for so cheap. Like $2 cheap.

Not sure if it is the same now?

Good idea to check them out. Thanks.
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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 05:34 PM

If I brought stuff down in December who would I take them to?
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 06:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
If I brought stuff down in December who would I take them to?

This is office in the description -

You can always drop it off with Brian at Mulege Brewing next to the arch.

Gracias, amigo.

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Select Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-12-2021 at 07:35 PM

advrider - will you be coming down via san diego? I can ask my Mom to collect stuff for you to bring down. She will LOVE having a project.

Come visit La Bocana

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.
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