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Author: Subject: La Bocana 10 13 update
Select Nomad

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Registered: 10-28-2008
Location: La Bocana, BCS
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[*] posted on 10-13-2021 at 09:31 AM
La Bocana 10 13 update

So much going on!

As I was taking my daily walk a couple days ago, I ran into Alen - scholarship student graduate - and his biz partner Otto. They were on their way to Bahia Asuncion. If you recall, they started a company almost exactly one year ago. I remember clearly when they came to visit me to ask my opinion on their start up - they wanted to create organic supplements for agricultural purposes, using the fishing cooperative's discards- and I endorsed it 100%. Two of my high school buddies invested some cash and Alen and Otto took it from there. I am happy to report that their company is BOOMING. Lots of farms in Vizcaino and Guerrero Negro are now buying their product. I could not be prouder!

We had a fridge sitting in the garage ever since we bought a new one. Les agreed we could donate to the Indian family who are about to get electricity for the first time to their home! It is a huge family sized fridge and we had many helpers around to make this happen.



THE GANG included guests at the hotel and a guy who sold us some chile rellenos that I wrangled into helping. Abraham could not help and indeed I asked him to not even come out since he was on his last days of covid quarantine.

Because both Tidiana and Abraham had covid, the village rules are that they cannot leave their house for 2 weeks. My village angels and I took turns cooking meals for 7 kids 3 adults (we included grandma). I picked up the meals and delivered a full lunch with enough for dinner, every day, 11:30 am for 2 1/2 weeks.

Danna, who used to be a tutor until she started online college classes, made the most amazing meal for them! She included baggies with goodies and put their names on each one. The kids were so happy.

Two plants flowered this week! This one is queen of the night.

Not sure the name of this one but what a bloom!

I had a visit a week ago from a woman named Angelica and her daughter. Angelica's husband died of covid and left her homeless since they lived in his brother's house in Ensenada. They came to La Bocana since she has a brother here, who offered her a tiny house that is not quite finished.

They came to see if I would sponsor the daughter in college if she kept up her straight A average. I had intended to stop taking on mew students this year.

While chatting, i asked Angelica what her most pressing immediate need was and she answered that she really needed a kitchen sink. Yesterday in Vizcaino, we bought one and in the next couple days someone will install it! The best part is that I got a donation that will cover this!!!! It is not education, which everyone knows is my focus, but my heart went out to this family of Mom and daughter. Luckily, Angelica started working at our supermarket today. La Bocana does help out whoever needs it - how I love this community!

The boys are studying at home, the tutors send their "home"work and I deliver. Jireth is the only one coming to class behind the hotel. Here she is last Monday:

Here she is right now, just got this photo from Sannia, her tutor.

Of course we find lots of time to have fun too! We have had many guests over the past couple weeks. Here we are having dinner at our beach restaurant. It is lobster season and the lobster did not disappoint.

Here are Jerry and Bob and Tim as they head over to BoLA for more fishing.

That about sums it up! Take care and stay safe everyone!

Come visit La Bocana

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.
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[*] posted on 10-13-2021 at 12:27 PM

Thank you for your updates, I enjoy reading them. What a wonderful sense of community you have in your pueblo!
On edit, I hope your three guests bring some fishing weather with them. It's been victory at sea windy here in Bahia. I am so ready for it to be over.


[Edited on 13-10-2021 by Paulina]

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Select Nomad

Posts: 13211
Registered: 10-28-2008
Location: La Bocana, BCS
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[*] posted on 10-14-2021 at 05:39 AM

Thanks, we do have a pretty neat community that really works to help neighbors out.

I am sorry to hear that the guys probably ran into wind. Never fun when you are out fishing!

Come visit La Bocana

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.
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Super Nomad

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[*] posted on 10-14-2021 at 06:20 AM

Wonderful update as always...
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