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Author: Subject: Will Trump Take On The Cartels?
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-24-2025 at 06:35 AM

People or drug smugglers on their way back to Mexico. That's a mountainous area that is difficult to police, especially at night. There are few roads and it's a hard place to build effective barriers.

And the smugglers aren't necessarily cartel members, just common criminals from TJ.

Tough to stop spending any amount of money

[Edited on 1-24-2025 by SFandH]

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[*] posted on 1-24-2025 at 08:29 AM

If americans stopped consuming drugs somehow, the organized crime would not go away. They already have tenacles into argiculture, energy, transportation, etc. Until Mexico deals with the corruption, both on the law enforcement side and on the justice side, things will never change. Imagine drugs are gone over night. Now what? Ban avocados? Fuel? It never ends until corruption is reeled in.

Regarding Trump, best to judge by what he DOES and not what he SAYS. I believe much of what he says is just an effort to influence people, not what he will actually do. Very dangerous IMHO but it is what it is.

War on drugs is proven to be hopeless and a massive waste of money but the problems with organized crime run MUCH deeper than drugs.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-24-2025 at 09:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by baja-chris1  
If americans stopped consuming drugs somehow, the organized crime would not go away. They already have tenacles into argiculture, energy, transportation, etc. Until Mexico deals with the corruption, both on the law enforcement side and on the justice side, things will never change. Imagine drugs are gone over night. Now what? Ban avocados? Fuel? It never ends until corruption is reeled in.

Regarding Trump, best to judge by what he DOES and not what he SAYS. I believe much of what he says is just an effort to influence people, not what he will actually do. Very dangerous IMHO but it is what it is.

War on drugs is proven to be hopeless and a massive waste of money but the problems with organized crime run MUCH deeper than drugs.

Valid points. Seems like attacking the scourge of organized crime is necessary.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-24-2025 at 09:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JDCanuck  
Most Americans do believe what he says about tariffs, unfortunately. USD is now declining again, consumer sentiment falling amidst expectations of higher inflation and higher interest rates. But I agree, best to just ride it out and see how much is bluster. No need to panic...yet

The real panic was averted in the first week of November. Akin to pulling out of a death spiral. Expectations of higher inflation? Kinda have to expect that after such a drunken spending spree.
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[*] posted on 1-24-2025 at 10:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake  
Thanks for the heads-up.

American hikers come under cartel fire near border

Typical Fox "news" report. How do they know it was cartel? It doesn't say anything about identifying the attackers, only about the victims, says an investigation is underway.
Coulda been some trigger-happy MAGA thinking the hikers were illegal migrants.

I linked that news report simply because it was the most recent at the time. The below linked website seems to rate that news organization highly.

KSWB – Fox5 – San Diego – Bias and Credibility
"Overall, we rate KSWB – Fox5 – San Diego Least Biased based on neutral straight news reporting without offering opinion pieces. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record."

[Edited on 1-24-2025 by cupcake]
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