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David K
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Maps... experimenting
Geoffff is teaching me new tricks... how to save CalTopo PDF maps (which normally are only viewable for 7 days) permanently on my website.
Here is Bahía Concepción from Bob & Susan's Playa Frambes to Playa el Coyote:
Now, I would like to learn how to show the image, without needing to click the link. Does it need to be a jpeg instead of a PDF?
Here it is saved using Print Screen/ Paint then cropped. I imaging the quality is not as close as the PDF?

Not as crisp! Maybe okay for casual viewing? I would still like an easier way to show PDFs without doing the Print Screen method. Any suggestions,
Nomads? Harald?

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David, for me "experimenting" is the operative word. I seem to progress with this type of work by trial and error; usually many errors.
I see in your above map the scale is 1 inch = 3281 feet. If, when making a map on the Caltopo site, you reduce the area selection window to give a
scale of say, 1 inch = 1500 feet, I think you will see an improvement in clarity. However, then you would possibly need two maps to cover the same
A possibly better alternative might be to 'join' the Caltopo site and pay their fee for the ability to download maps at a higher resolution. They
present that option somewhere on their website, I can't remeber the cost but it seemed reasonable.
[Edited on 1-31-2025 by cupcake]
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only JPEG, PNG, and GIF file types can be used within < i m g > html tags.
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Quote: Originally posted by David K  | Geoffff is teaching me new tricks... how to save CalTopo PDF maps (which normally are only viewable for 7 days) permanently on my website.
Here is Bahía Concepción from Bob & Susan's Playa Frambes to Playa el Coyote:
Now, I would like to learn how to show the image, without needing to click the link. Does it need to be a jpeg instead of a PDF?
Here it is saved using Print Screen/ Paint then cropped. I imaging the quality is not as close as the PDF?
Not as crisp! Maybe okay for casual viewing? I would still like an easier way to show PDFs without doing the Print Screen method. Any suggestions,
Nomads? Harald? |
the limitation of view quality is within BajaNomad.
what do you expect from 342kb?
facebook will show you a much better image
in general, pdf will give you a superior image (on your computer or phone)
you can zoom in almost endlessly and still have a sharp image
none of the photo formats (jpg, tiff etc) will give you such a wide range
Harald Pietschmann
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the image you are hosting on VivaBaja is 592 kb
almost double of what is possible on BajaNomad
bigger files allow for better quality
Harald Pietschmann
David K
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Yes, click on the link to see the map. The image above is low quality.
I was hoping to learn a quick way to show the PDF here.

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Quote: Originally posted by cupcake  | David, for me "experimenting" is the operative word. I seem to progress with this type of work by trial and error; usually many errors.
I see in your above map the scale is 1 inch = 3281 feet. If, when making a map on the Caltopo site, you reduce the area selection window to give a
scale of say, 1 inch = 1500 feet, I think you will see an improvement in clarity. However, then you would possibly need two maps to cover the same
A possibly better alternative might be to 'join' the Caltopo site and pay their fee for the ability to download maps at a higher resolution. They
present that option somewhere on their website, I can't remeber the cost but it seemed reasonable.
[Edited on 1-31-2025 by cupcake] |
I thought you were looking for a way to get a higher resolution image from the source (Caltopo), for your Viva Baja site. I think the image seen here
at the top of this thread is fine for casual viewing. As previously mentioned, you will always be limited by the size of image allowed on the site to
which you are uploading.
There are several free online PDF to JPG converters. Just do a search for 'convert PDF to JPG' and then find a site you like. If a site tries to get
you to download something, just leave that site and find a site that will do it without trying to have you download anything or make you sign up for
anything. There are several sites that are free with no strings attached, though they might have a daily limit on the number of free conversions they
will process for you. You might find this easier and faster than doing a 'print screen', etc.
[Edited on 2-1-2025 by cupcake]
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In comparison, here's a .jpg
David K
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Next Map... Shari's town, Bahía Asunción:
David K
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Next map: Laguna Percebu to Bahía Santa María with all of 'Shell Island':
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Quote: Originally posted by David K  |
Here it is saved using Print Screen/ Paint then cropped. I imaging the quality is not as close as the PDF? |
I bet you are limited by the resolution of your screen -- the PDF map is scaled down to fit on your screen before you hit printscreen.
As cupcake says, there are free PDF to JPG converters, like
Quote: Originally posted by 4x4abc  |
in general, pdf will give you a superior image (on your computer or phone)
you can zoom in almost endlessly and still have a sharp image
none of the photo formats (jpg, tiff etc) will give you such a wide range |
That is true for "vector" PDFs -- those that are made of lines, shapes, and text.
But it is not the case for DavidK's Caltopo PDFs, as they are just images (from INEGI map images) inserted into a PDF wrapper. These don't zoom in
crisply any better than the image used to make the PDF.

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I have had no problem converting the PDF of David's map to jpg, and then resizing the jpg to the size allowed on BajaNomad (1600x1600 or smaller), but
when I post the jpg image to the thread, it loads as a link, rather than a viewable image in the post. I even reduced the size to below 50kb, but it
still loads as a link. What am I doing wrong?
[Edited on 2-3-2025 by cupcake]
David K
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Quote: Originally posted by cupcake  | I have had no problem converting the PDF of David's map to jpg, and then resizing the jpg to the size allowed on Baja Nomad (1600x1600 or smaller),
but when I post the jpg image to the thread, it loads as a link, rather than a viewable image in the post. I even reduced the size to below 50kb, but
it still loads as a link. What am I doing wrong?
[Edited on 2-3-2025 by cupcake] |
When I was on my desktop, earlier, I uploaded the jpeg version of the PDF topo maps I made for the Atondo-Kino Expedition. They look really good,
I can only sit at my desk for a limited time, following my surgery 2 weeks ago. I am on my phone now, in my recliner. My next job will be to see if I
can use the PDF to JPEG converter he provided. Thank you geoffff for your help on this!
Posting any image on Nomad is more involved than on other sites. Other than reducing file size below the 342 kB limit (not 50), hosting the image on
another website is a solution ( or ?). Then you can paste that image link here using the [IMG] tags. If it is a big image, modify the tag
to this: [IMG=800×] as 800 pixels is the max with here. The ending tag looks like [/IMG ] (but no space after the G).
Cupcake, I am not sure if the above helps you, but we never give up on sharing Baja, here!
Okay, I need to rest. Thanks for your patience.
[Edited on 2-3-2025 by David K]

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David, I wish you a full and fast recovery.
The problem I am having might be with the public computer I am using at the moment, as I am certain I have loaded jpg images to Baja Nomad in the past
without any issues as far as them being visible in the thread without the need to click a link.
I will persevere from a different computer when I can.

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My problem appears to have been in the public computer I was using, as at this different location the jpg is loading normally.

[Edited on 2-4-2025 by cupcake]
David K
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Quote: Originally posted by cupcake  | David, I wish you a full and fast recovery.
The problem I am having might be with the public computer I am using at the moment, as I am certain I have loaded jpg images to Baja Nomad in the past
without any issues as far as them being visible in the thread without the need to click a link.
I will persevere from a different computer when I can.
Definitely something strange happening, as I can't even get rid of this attachment from this post (I didn't put it here and I can't delete it):
[Edited on 2-3-2025 by cupcake] |
Thank you, that was a very kind wish! I had an excellent surgeon and a year ago, he performed the same procedure on the next vertebrae-disc
up. For some reason, my discs like growing cysts that rub my sciatic nerve!
On a positive note, this past year, I have lost over 30 lbs. and down two pant sizes. Just imagine if I was able to hike and exercise more, without
OK, so I looked at the linked image and it is quite degraded. I have not tried the program geoffff linked, yet... So, let's have a go!
The PDF (Bahía Asunción Topo):
The converted map, PDF to JPEG:
That link inside IMG tags: [note: didn't work!]

That JPEG downloaded onto my PC and uploaded to my website:
That link from my website inside IMG tags, with the =800x modifier.:

Not too bad! Maybe not as crisp as the PDF link, but for sharing on Nomad, should be fine. If 800 pixels is too big, another size might be preferred.
Here it is at 640 pixels:

at 500 pixels:

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I hope you get there, Amigo. But don't push it, let it come to you.
The site that Geoffff provided appears to be a very good one. I have been using it and thus far it hasn't limited my uses. Some sites only give you
two per day.
[Edited on 2-4-2025 by cupcake]
David K
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PDF to JPEG using
The Bahía Concepción map from the top, converted on the site from geoffff then downloaded to my PC and uploaded to VivaBaja:
In tags at 800x:

David K
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OK, so now we map nuts are as dangerous as Harald has been, posting topo maps here, lol!
Have a nice evening, friends!
David K
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Puertecitos, cropped map
Had some questions when it kept wanting me to download some Chrome thing, when converting from PDF to JPEG... Geoffff?
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