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Skipjack Joe
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I'm so sorry to read all of this about Mulege, again. Was hoping (and still am) that it was spared of the pain it went through with John. Please let
us know how and when we can start helping from here, up north.
Can't believe this storm is projected to turn left and back over the peninsula again.
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Mood: Baja Time
Look at the range...
...of those moisture laden clouds - across three states and all of Northern Mexico!!!
This is one HUGE storm - hard to believe all the rain that sucker is tossing around!
According to my clock...anytime is \'BAJA TIME\' & as Jimmy Buffett says,
\"It doesn\'t use numbers or moving hands It always just says now...\"
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Anybody heard from Pompano? He's supposed to be heading down now. Hope he doesn't drive into a nightmare at home.
Russ....are you out there?
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Anybody who is planning to go to Mulege, you'd better wait for better information; roads, accomodations,food, gasoline, etc. You don't want to use up
resources (if any) that is needed by locals.
Can some business set up a fund with paypal for donations? I am in for $100, and hope other Nomads can match it or give what they can. How to
distribute the funds will become clearer in a few days. Rotarians; Red Cross; Bomberos. We can't know yet. Let's get it started so that the money will
be there and ready for distribution. I am sure other ideas, probably better than mine will surface. The fund will have to be trustworthy...probably a
Nomad. Be wary of scams.
Right now, the military is there as a first line of assistance.This storm is not done yet. Hang tight! Better information will be forthcoming in the
next couple of days. In the meantime you can develop collection drives and centers and transportation, and then wait for clear information before you
start down into Baja Sur.
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Should any Nomads be driving down the pennisula in the next few days... a road condition report would be appreciated...
if read correctly post indicated that HWY 1 is closed from Santa Rosalia going south(?) meaning today you could only drive to there and wait for road
Select Nomad
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"
cell service to Chivato is down...i imagine russ would be posting if he could. I got a very graphic email from a chivato resident about the nightmare
last night....lots of damage...much more wind than anyone would have dreamed...and from all directions....blowing out storm shutters, doors, roofs off
etc....extreme damage and still blowing this morning...i'm sure russ is pretty busy helping others right now...looks like some peoples satellite
connections weathered the storm...amazing.
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roz and i are also in for a chunk of cash, toneart...we will head down as SOON as the roads are passable but it looks like it may be awhile.
dyslexia is never having to say you\'re yrros.
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Quote: | Originally posted by toneart
The fund will have to be trustworthy...probably a Nomad. Be wary of scams.
I'm in. Way in, as long as "Trustworthy," as Tony says, is the operative word.
Ultra Nomad
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Mood: Skeptical
Anybody who is planning to go to Mulege, you'd better wait for better information; roads, accomodations,food, gasoline, etc. You don't want to use up
resources (if any) that is needed by locals.
Can some business set up a fund with paypal for donations? I am in for $100, and hope other Nomads can match it or give what they can. How to
distribute the funds will become clearer in a few days. Rotarians; Red Cross; Bomberos. We can't know yet. Let's get it started so that the money will
be there and ready for distribution. I am sure other ideas, probably better than mine will surface. The fund will have to be trustworthy...probably a
Nomad. Be wary of scams.
Right now, the military is there as a first line of assistance.This storm is not done yet. Hang tight! Better information will be forthcoming in the
next couple of days. In the meantime you can develop collection drives and centers and transportation, and then wait for clear information before you
start down into Baja Sur.
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Bob and Susan in Mulege
If you are able to access this and have a cel phone plz send to us. Or if anyone has that info please U2U.
Re: Tonearts comment - which is indicative of what a giver he is - If Bob & Susan are willing to be the recipient of and fund appropriator, we
offer to coordinate paypal and wire of donations.
We respectfully offer thoughts and prayers ...
Select Nomad
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"
getting roads open is the primary focus and should happen fairly quickly so supplies can go in...what is a bigger problem is all the power line towers
that have banks, refridgeration, water purification etc....power may take longer to restore...said 6 days for loreto to regain still out now.
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Bajajudy maybe knows how to set up a paypal?????
Between her and Shari, they know just about everything. I'd trust eitiher.
Let's get this thing in gear. Soon as someone does, maany of us can get our stateside networks to kick in too.
[Edited on 9-3-2009 by oldlady]
Select Nomad
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A fund for Mulege, yes just as there was one after John.
But what about the other communities that were trashed like Lopez Mateos etc. Sounds like they also need a lot of help.
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Mood: Craving sleep!
From sudcalifornia (Google translation)
Ciudad Constitución, Baja California Sur.- El huracán "Jimena" en categoría 1 impactó al centro del estado, y desde el medio día de este miércoles
recorre el norte del estado en tierra, devastando el municipio de Comondú, donde el meteoro se llevó viviendas completas en localidades pesqueras,
arrasó con el centro comercial, calles e infraestructura urbana Ciudad Constitución, que fue golpeada por fuertes vientos por espacio de siete horas.
Ciudad Constitucion, Baja California Sur .- Hurricane Jimena "in Category 1 struck the center of the state, and from noon on Wednesday upstate runs
ashore, devastating the town of Comondu, where the meteor was housing complete in fishing villages, demolished the mall, city streets and urban
infrastructure Constitution, which was battered by strong winds for seven hours.
En general todos los centros poblacionales e islas en Comondú están severamente afectados como Insurgentes, San Carlos, López Mateos, Las Barrancas,
Zaragoza, Margarita y Magdalena, que se quedaron y siguen sin energía eléctrica, agua potable y telefonía convencional. In general, all population
centers and islands are severely affected as Comondú Insurgentes, San Carlos, Lopez Mateos, Las Barrancas, Zaragoza, Margarita and Magdalena, who
stayed and are still without power, water and conventional telephony.
En este municipio hay actualmente más de 6 mil albergados a causa de "Jimena" que sigue en tierra avanzando al municipio de Mulegé, BCS, donde se
prevén afectaciones similares. In this county there are currently more than 6 thousand housed because of "Jimena" on land that is moving to the town
of Mulege, BCS, which provides similar affectations.
Ayer alrededor de las 15:00 horas tiempo del Pacífico "Jimena" tocó tierra en las inmediaciones de San Juanico en Comondú, antes pasó por las islas de
Bahía Magdalena y poblados cercanos, sus ráfagas y lluvias afectaron a Ciudad Constitución y para las primeras horas de mañana jueves ya habría
castigado al municipio de Mulegé, al medio día estaría a 75 kilómetros de Guerrero Negro, degradada a Tormenta Tropical, pero con rachas de viento de
hasta 100 kilómetros por hora. Yesterday at about 15:00 Pacific time "Jimena" made landfall near San Juanico in Comondú before passed through the
islands of Magdalena Bay and nearby towns, its gusts and rains affected City Constitution and the first hours tomorrow Thursday and would have
punished the town of Mulege, noon to 75 miles would be Black Warrior, downgraded to tropical storm, but with gusts up to 100 kilometers per hour.
De acuerdo a los informes del Consejo Estatal de Protección Civil, antes, "Jimena" dejó en Los Cabos 3 mil 500 albergados, 1 mil 500 en La Paz, con
daños en infraestructura humana, pero principalmente en comunidades rurales, donde no tienen agua ni energía eléctrica. According to reports of the
State Civil Protection Council before, "Jimena" stopped in Los Cabos 3 thousand 500 housed, 1 thousand 500 in La Paz, with damage to human
infrastructure, but mainly in rural communities, where they have no water or electricity.
La Capitanía de Puerto reportó que todos los puestos del estado seguía cerrados hasta la tarde ayer, la PFP señaló que hay paso solo para vehículos
doble tracción hacia Ciudad Constitución a partir de la zona de las Pocitas en el kilómetros 122 al norte, los aeropuertos de La Paz y Los Cabos
fueron reabiertos, los del norte están cerrados y la Secretaría de Educación Pública aprobó el regreso a clases en Los Cabos y La Paz. The Port
Authority reported that all posts in the state remained closed until yesterday afternoon, the PFP said that step alone is four wheel drive vehicle to
Ciudad Constitucion from Pocitas area of 122 kilometers in north airports La Paz and Los Cabos were reopened, Northerners are closed and the Ministry
of Education approved the return to school in Los Cabos and La Paz.
En otros reportes la Cruz Roja informó que dos ambulancias en Ciudad Constitución fueron aplastadas por una techumbre, Telmex informó que tienen mas
de 10 mil líneas interrumpidas en el norte del estado y la CFE maneja que la red de transmisión está siendo atendida, en Comondú, Loreto y Mulegé los
casi 27 mil usuarios están sin energía. In other reports the Red Cross said two ambulances in Ciudad Constitucion were crushed by a roof, Telmex said
that they have over 10 thousand lines disrupted in upstate and CFE operates the transmission network is being addressed in Comondú Loreto and Mulege
the nearly 27 thousand users are without power. Algunos más en La Paz están en las mismas condiciones. Some more in La Paz are in the same conditions.
Para mañana la depresión tropical "Jimena" estaría alejándose en el Pacífico al Oeste de Guerrero Negro, pero aún dejando lluvias, tras dos días en
tierra. Tomorrow tropical depression "Jimena" in the Pacific would be moving to the west of Black Warrior, but still leaving rains, after two days in
En Santa Rosalía, el huracán generó la tarde de este miércoles fuertes inundaciones, daños en viviendas y en la marina; voló el techo del estadio de
béisbol y causó fuertes inundaciones; la CFE reportó 679 metros de líneas caídas en San Ignacio, lo que mantiene a la población sin energía eléctrica;
unos kilómetros más al norte, en Vizcaíno, se albergaron a unos 420 jornaleros agrícolas en la escuela secundaria y los vientos derrumbaron varias
hectáreas de invernaderos. In Santa Rosalia, the hurricane caused the Wednesday afternoon heavy flooding, damaging homes and in the navy; blew the
roof ballpark and caused heavy flooding, the FEC reported 679 meters of downed lines in San Ignacio, which keeps Population without electricity, a few
miles north in Vizcaino, was home to about 420 agricultural workers in high school and winds toppled several hectares of greenhouses.
La carretera transpeninsular está cortada en el kilómetro 3 tramo Ciudad Constitución-Insurgentes, no hay paso hacia Loreto, hay un tráiler volcado en
el 180 que dificulta el tránsito entre La Paz y Ciudad Constitución, y el 80 por ciento de los señalamientos verticales de la transpeninsular fueron
derribados por los vientos huracanados de "Jimena". The road is cut transpeninsular 3rd km stretch in Ciudad Constitucion, Insurgents, there is no way
to Loreto, there is a trailer overturned on the 180 it difficult to travel between La Paz and Ciudad Constitución, and 80 percent of the vertical
signs transpeninsular were staggered by the winds of "Jimena".
Aun cuando no han sido cuantificados los daños, se estima que en Ciudad Constitución y en comunidades aledañas en donde se registraron los mayores
daños de "Jimena"; hasta el cierre de esta edición, se notificó sobre severos daños en el hospital del ISSSTE de esa cabecera municipal, cientos de
viviendas sin techos, árboles caídos, vidrios rotos y daños mayores en establecimientos comerciales; caída de una torre de Telmex, 92 estructuras de
la CFE caídas o devastadas en un tramo entre La Paz-Ciudad Constitucion-San Carlos, y poco más de 50 mil habitantes en todo el municipio sin luz y sin
agua. Even if no damages have been quantified, it is estimated that in Ciudad Constitution and surrounding communities in which experienced the
greatest damage of "Jimena" until press time, severe damage was reported on at the ISSSTE hospital that municipal capital, hundreds of houses without
roofs, fallen trees, broken glass and major damage in commercial establishments fall of a tower of Telmex, 92 structures of the CFE falls or
devastated in a stretch between La Paz-Ciudad Constitucion, San Carlos, and just over 50 thousand people around the town without light and water.
El gobernador Narciso Agúndez y el secretario de Desarrollo Social Ernesto Cordero se encuentran en Ciudad Constitución haciendo recorridos por las
zonas más afectadas. Gov. Narciso Agundez and Social Development Secretary Ernesto Cordero in Ciudad Constitucion are doing tours of the areas most
En Santa Rita hay 65 casas a las que el viento les voló el techo, 18 en Las Pocitas y hasta el cierre de esta edición Puerto Chale está incomunicado,
con reporte de daños en la mayoría de las viviendas y en la escuela primaria de la localidad. In Santa Rita there are 65 homes where the wind blew the
roof them, 18 in Pocitas until press time Puerto Chale is incommunicado, with reports of damage in most homes and the local primary school .
Ayer llegaron a La Paz altos funcionarios del FONDEN y de Protección Civil y se espera que este día se solicite a la Secretaría de Gobernación la
declaratoria de zona de desastre para el municipio de Comondú, a efecto de acceder de manera inmediata a los recursos de este fondo. Yesterday arrived
in La Paz senior officials of the Fund and Civil Protection and hopefully this day will ask the Secretary of State declaration of disaster area for
the municipality of Comondu, in order to immediately access the resources of this background.
Hasta el cierre de esta edición se tenía el reporte de un desaparecido en la comunidad de San Buto en el municipio de Comondú. Until press time it was
reporting a missing person in the community of San Buto in the municipality of Comondu.
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San Juanico
Yesterday was definitely an event in San Juanico. The first part of the storm brought 60 mph winds, well our wind meter was pegged at 60? The back
side of the storm brought much heavier winds. I could only guess but 80mph with gusts maybe reaching 100mph and lots of rain. The town over all
faired pretty well, everyone was helping secure homes and the town did a great job in preparing there homes. Lots of trees down and some roofs blew
off but I have not heard of any major injuries which is great. I believe San Juanico got spared with the shift of the hurricane track south of us,
but we all feel for the towns that took the brunt of it.
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I'm in for the relief fund. It is the least we can do.
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I'm sure the Baja Bush Pilots can be counted on mounting a relief effort by air as soon as the situation becomes clearer, and the storm has passed.
The effort after hurricane John was very successful in bringing help to areas that were not accessable by road.
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Quote: | Originally posted by oldlady
Bajajudy maybe knows how to set up a paypal?????
Between her and Shari, they know just about everything. I'd trust eitiher.
Let's get this thing in gear. Soon as someone does, maany of us can get our stateside networks to kick in too.
This effort could be monumental in size and meaningless if too far diluted but, that's for later. The biggest obstacle is to get it started in the
right dirrection.
Does Shari have the time? It would be great if she does.
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I remember after Juliette hit in 2001 and Cabo was completely cut off by road, the government had huge cargo ships bring in supplies and 18 wheelers
by water from La Paz into the Cabo Marina. Any chance of that happening in Mulege?
Also, please post when a fund is set up for helping out, we're in.
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heard from a cruiser in Pto Escondido. four boats ashore. (u2u me if names are needed). no word on Singlar, Tripui, El Juncalito yet. nothing from
Loreto yet except what has been on this board.
reality\'s never been of much use out here...
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