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About 12 deg warmer this morning (at 630am) than yesterday - yesterday 49, today 60 so if it keeps up by Sunday should be just great. The Sierras
behind Matomi and Agua Caliente were nice and white yesterday.
No Bad Days
\"Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference\"
\"The trouble with doing nothing is - how do I know when I\'m done?\"
Nomad Baja Interactive map
And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
Bob H
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With all the rain we've had this year I am very interested to see how much water is flowing at Matomi right now. I imagine that the scenery will be
outstanding! Could be a little muddy offroading out there too.
Bob H
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A bunch of Nomads and a few others converged on BajaWarrior's place this afternoon and the gracious hose welcomed all to a great barbecue and potluck.
Plans made for tomorrow's assault on Matomi.
No Bad Days
\"Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference\"
\"The trouble with doing nothing is - how do I know when I\'m done?\"
Nomad Baja Interactive map
And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
David K
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Thanks Lou... I hope you all have a blast today!
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I bet everyones haven a blast and freezin their butts cool wish I was keep on workn away...........
READY SET.....................
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Beautiful day- slight breeze which kept the dust down - just a great run with great people. I'll defer to others at this time for details.
No Bad Days
\"Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference\"
\"The trouble with doing nothing is - how do I know when I\'m done?\"
Nomad Baja Interactive map
And in the San Felipe area - check out Valle Chico area
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My firts flat in Baja,Im glad it happend,in the company of great people.I had the pleasure of having Roy(squarecircle),help me put the spare on.
Details and pix coming soon,I need to recover,from holding the beer in my hand all day.
I want to thank our host,Chuck(BajaWarrior) and Chris(MRS BajaWarrior), for their hospitality.
We had a great time...
David K
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Quote: | Originally posted by BAJACAT
..............I need to recover,from holding the beer in my hand all day.............
Get a Ford, they come with cupholders. 
Making Attorneys Get Attorneys
David K
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Looking forward to the trip reports!!
Did Neal Johns and Taco Felix make it there too?
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on both.
David K
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How about each of you who was there tell us about it in your own words... I am sure every one had a special experience and those of us who couldn't be
there would enjoy to read each of your stories! I am hoping it was a good trip?
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Ok, I'll start
Our mini group consisted of 5 quads and a 2 wheeler manned by mostly full timers from the South Campos. Collectively we had made 35-40 trips into the
ranch usually spending a few nights camping there. Due to the speed differential, we led the way in with stops at each turn. It was a very pleasant
trip with no mechanical nor tire issues. Jose was kind enough to haul fuel in for me. It was great to see Roy and Lou again and to meet Steekers, Neal
and Taco Feliz. It was very pleasant on top and we had our lunch up there. We came out the wash and passed through Los Olivos and rode the beach to

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As a new member, I would like to thank DK, BajaCat, BajaLou, BajaWarrior and all the others for making this happen. It was very kind of BW(Chuck) to
let us all stay the night. Lots of stories to share, for sure!
Unfortunately, myself and my friend didn't meet up with the group at Matomi ranch as we were blazing too fast. We were on motocycles and it was a
challenge to keep the front tire tracking forward in the soft sand. In addition, I was on reserve fuel and needed to wait for my fuel truck (thanks
BajaCat) who had a flat. A quad guy (name?) was very nice and splashed us some gas, just in case BajaCat didn't show up. While waiting at lower Matomi
for the food and fuel, I climbed a small mountain to get better line of sight for the VHF radio. Awesome view of the San Fermin Valley. We left Matomi
at the turnoff for the 08 SCORE race coming up on Mar15. have some good pics i will post soon. Again, thank you to all who participated.
If any of you can help pit for the race, let me know. I am 1212, a SCORE Lite VW-powered buggy.
Michael Bennett
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It was us that gave you a gallon of fuel. Please post the type of pit help that you need and where you need it.

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Thanks Rob! I knew it was your group, just could't remember the specific name of the quad owner. I should have gotten a pic of you carrying those
white gallon jugs on your belt! Too funny. Thank you.
Looks like a good spot is where the course turns into Azufre. I will be heading down this Thurs. I have to pour 5 meters of concrete on Fri, then go
down to your area on Sat/Sun. Will you be down there this weekend?
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Too many Robs?
The other Rob in our group was the 2 wheeler. I was on the yellow Polaris quad. We may be able to help. We leave for the Caribbean Saturday but will
be back on March 8th.
[Edited on 2-19-2008 by BajaRob]
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Do you want to start a new thread for photos and trip reports? This one is getting pretty big!
How bout NOMADS TO RANCHO MATOMI REPORT for a thread title?
I need to get my photos dumped into the puter and then I'll start on my report.
14 vehicles, 3 bikes, 5 quads, 28 people, 3 dogs.
A great trip!
"Mankind will not be judged by their faults, but by the direction of their lives." Leo Giovinetti
See you in Baja
David K
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I think just keeping it in one thread will be easier... there are plenty of threads bigger than this one... However, it is a Baja Events forum and not
a Baja Trip Reports forum... Could go either way. Of course in this froum, there is no feature to post photos off the computer (no browse)... So maybe
the Trip Reports forum would be better!!!???
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