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Author: Subject: Arizonas new Imigration Bill(This has turned into a Rat Hole)

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 05:06 AM

Re-read the beginning paragraph, please.

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 06:33 AM

Again, like I stated earlier, if EMPLOYERS had serious fines for hiring illegal aliens maybe there would not be so many coming into the states!
To read even part of this thread with the BS mud slinging, finger pointing, accusatory horse$h!t it's a wonder society is becoming more volatile. We are unable to carry on a civil dialogue on this thread alone!
Sadly, this is a MEXICO thread WEBSITE, if YOU despise MEXICANS so much why do YOU travel to Baja or MEXICO?!? Seems like the highest form of hypocrisy!:fire:
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capt. mike
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 06:43 AM

"it's a wonder society is becoming more volatile."

did you mean.... it's NO wonder that...:light:

Despise mexicans? hardly the case my friend. i love them and THEIR country. been going south as a LEGAL tourist since 1974 on my own and for years before that with my parents.
and since 1985 i have been active in Mexican charity and medical missions work.
this is not about affinity or disaffinity for a group of people or their ethnicity - it's about upholding a nation's LAWS (ours) and other's having RESPECT for such laws - something illegal aliens don't have or care to see.
oh - and BTW - we in AZ have STRONG laws against illegal hiring too and companies are getting busted all the time.
now - many are getting the message and demanding INS docs before these workers are accepted.

formerly Ordained in Rev. Ewing\'s Church by Mail - busted on tax fraud.......
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 06:56 AM

We are also considering today HB2281 banning ethnic studies or classes that stir up "resentment" in public schools.

What a great State we live in Mike. Did you vote on your republican legislature tax hike yet?
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 07:13 AM


Suspicion and cause are two very different things---probable cause is tangible and probable suspicion is not. It is ONE of the things the police don't like about this law, except, of course that crazy one down there who thinks he is a little god. I heard him even say that he could tell an illegal just by the shoes he was wearing.

So, now as the bill clearly states, anyone, any citizen can sue a local law enforcement agency if said citizen thinks the law enforcement agency is not doing a good enough job.

Thus you can have Bubba IQ 70 and his Minute Men Militia start counting----then comes the law suit because said agency is not rounding up ENOUGH of those people. That is a really stupid part of the law.

There are already the crazies who are bearing arms---so, now as I keep saying it is open season on the undocumented workers and their families, even if some of them are so called legal. As they should be, the police have been only interested in crimes, not immigration status, but no more----papers please or the police are in trouble.

As the head cop said from Pima County, he is already turns in a number of illegals who are stopped for other reasons and does what he is supposed to do---turn them over to immigration, but this law is racist and definitely has the potential of causing harm to citizens solely because of their heritage.

This law does NOT mirror the federal law---only parts of it do and it is not up to the states to pass the law. Immigration is a federal issue----or would you rather see the states have control of this.

Let's see, Duncan Hunter Jr, following in his father's footsteps wants to round up all the children of undocumented workers, children who were born here and ARE citizens. He wants to take away their citizenship because their soul is not truly American. ----Texas already thinks they have the right to step on federal law----do we need to fight the Civil War all over again?

This law is no different than many laws from the past. Take for example, literacy tests for voting---sounds fair enough, right? And actually it was successful. It did just what the authors of the bill intended--it was not equally administered so it kept people of color from voting---not just African Americans, but also Hispanic Americans. So if this bill is successful, it will accomplish what the author wants---the zenophobe (sp) from Kansas----it will help get rid of people of color and put white man back in total control.

To support this bill is to support the open harassment of one ethnic group. That is supporting human rights abuse.

It is a sad day for America, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights----it is once again a bunch of WASPs feeling their total control and power slipping away and they want it back.

Tis my last word on the subject--- It is sad as there will be no rational reform because the politicians will protect their corporate friends who want the cheap labor, but then the same ones support this law that would only lead to harassment or worse for these human beings.

In the end, I believe the courts will strike the law down, as well they should.

Meanwhile, the bigots on this forum can and will keep justifying their bigotry---not something that was not already known.


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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 07:21 AM

Here we have a typical, although long, Nomad thread. Twelve pages of monologue. Everybody just wants to make their point and nobody is listening. Points are being repeated [I did that myself] and still falling on blind eyes in hopes of being considered.
The point in time is approaching when everybody here will feel their redundancies and get bored with their efforts to be acknowledged. They'll realize that that won't happen here.
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:11 AM

You mean the Rats Hole turned into a Rats Nest?

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:22 AM

Why should we be able to enter and leave Mexico anytime we want, be able to pay a small amount of money and legally work here and pretty much do whatever we would like to do and Mexicans don't have that same opportunity with the US? Why do we feel that we are special and entitled?
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:28 AM

Well, yours is a good point, Dennis.

The post prior to yours misses the mark. Both probable cause and suspicion are legally defined. Definitions and criteria embodied within them tested in the courts time and again.

The assertion that "anyone can sue...if said citizen thinks...." is inaccurate and the example given, silly.

Then we come to the quasi legal opinion that the courts will "strike it down". On what basis? Who has, in the context of legal procedure, standing and a case?
Might someone in the future? Possibly. And that possibly is highly contingent on a lot of actions that may or may not take place. They can be conjectured. Conjecture doesn't hold up well in the courts.

Finally, those who have refused to join in the frenzy of condemnation are bigots/racists.

Many of us have made no racial statement one way or the other. This law is consistent with federal law and practice on racial profiling, at the very least no one has pointed to wording the demonstrates a clear inconsistency. Yet already those who would implement the law are labeled as racists, on the basis of conjecture. And those of us who have reservations about such a harsh judgment are tarred with the same brush. It has become a pattern of behavior, destructive, divisive, mean spirited. There is little to no proof of bigotry or racism by the members who have posted here. The slander is obvious.

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capt. mike
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:34 AM

"Did you vote on your republican legislature tax hike yet?"

no. i do not agree with everything our legislature does.
it's a republic, a representative democracy - some dems actually i like. i am not a straight ticket guy - but i do lean towards conservatism.
secular progressives i have little use for.

give me less gummint and fewer taxes as can be reasonably expected.
i do not like Az having to enforce our border which i grant is a necessary duty of the feds and one which we nationally ought to be taxed for. - but since they won't do a GD thing - well we have to act then.

formerly Ordained in Rev. Ewing\'s Church by Mail - busted on tax fraud.......
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Donjulio
Why should we be able to enter and leave Mexico anytime we want, be able to pay a small amount of money and legally work here and pretty much do whatever we would like to do and Mexicans don't have that same opportunity with the US? Why do we feel that we are special and entitled?

You have to direct that question to our federal government. They want them here, but they won't let them in. It makes no sense, but it doesn't deem our laws null and void.
There's no sense in trying to equate the economic differences in Mexico to those of the US if you don't know by now. It's two different worlds. The fact remains, our border has been crossed illegaly. If I were to cross the border between ports of entry, I'd be arrested, probably for a felony.
So...let me ask you why Mexicans can scoot across the border and suffer little consequences when caught and I would have my life ruined for the same offense. It just doesn't seem fair, does it.
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:51 AM

Good point Dennis, time to leave---and oldlady, sorry, but you can defend and justify all you want, but you are among the real bigots around here. You write well, and use the same faulty logic, misrepresentations, and lies of a Glenn Beck----you just need a chalk board. Your writings speak volumes about you being a bigot.

It is time and I hope Doug sees that it is time to close this circular thread. The bigots will just continue to support this harassment law, and those who believe that all human beings deserve to be treated with respect and humanity are speaking to a deaf self-serving audience---the WASPs who think they should have what they think is their country back.

[Edited on 4-29-2010 by DianaT]

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:55 AM

Dennis To answer the last part of your question, because big business wants them working for a small salary, and the Government is going to do little about it because Big Business has too much to say in our Government be Democrats or Republican.

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 08:58 AM

It's getting real old you calling those that have a divergent point of view to yours bigots and racists. Obviously you and goat can't have a discussion without resorting to name calling?

You come off as a bitter soul.

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:02 AM

Just a question
Could all this be just posturing for Nov. votes and really nothing more as it will likely be shot down by the feds anyway ????
Curious minds want to know
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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:08 AM

Originally posted by tripledigitken
It's getting real old you calling those that have a divergent point of view to yours bigots and racists. Obviously you and goat can't have a discussion without resorting to name calling?

You come off as a bitter soul.


Bitter? Only disgusted with what is happening in this country and the WASPs who support this harassment law---and that is what it is.

Racists is not a viable term as there is no race other than the human race, but bigoted is viable.

Sorry, but I do believe that anyone who supports this bill is a bigot and a bitter WASP who cannot accept the change in ethnicity that is happening in the country.

There are no redeeming qualities to this bill and it is improper for any state to pass such a law-----

So disgusted is more like it---and in this case, I believe the name bigot fits well. Or maybe it would be better if I just called it fearful---fearful of the loss of control-----like Sarah Palin, people want their country back---the country controlled by the WASPs, thus maybe it is the fear that causes the supporters of this bill to be bigots.

This is not a bill like Health Care, or Financial Reform that can be argued on merits, etc., it is a bill aimed to harass one ethnic group. And by definition, bigot is appropriate.

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Timo1
Just a question
Could all this be just posturing for Nov. votes and really nothing more as it will likely be shot down by the feds anyway ????
Curious minds want to know

Yes----except the people who wrote this bill truly want all people of color gone or at least powerless.

But I do believe it will be shot down by the feds, as well it should.

[Edited on 4-29-2010 by DianaT]

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Good point Dennis, time to leave---and oldlady, sorry, but you can defend and justify all you want, but you are among the real bigots around here. You write well, and use the same faulty logic, misrepresentations, and lies of a Glenn Beck----you just need a chalk board. Your writings speak volumes about you being a big

[Edited on 4-29-2010 by DianaT]

Prove your accusation.

[Edited on 4-29-2010 by oldlady]

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:21 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by tripledigitken
It's getting real old you calling those that have a divergent point of view to yours bigots and racists. Obviously you and goat can't have a discussion without resorting to name calling?

You come off as a bitter soul.


Bitter? Only disgusted with what is happening in this country and the WASPs who support this harassment law---and that is what it is.

Racists is not a viable term as there is no race other than the human race, but bigoted is viable.

Sorry, but I do believe that anyone who supports this bill is a bigot and a bitter WASP who cannot accept the change in ethnicity that is happening in the country.

There are no redeeming qualities to this bill and it is improper for any state to pass such a law-----

So disgusted is more like it---and in this case, I believe the name bigot fits well. Or maybe it would be better if I just called it fearful---fearful of the loss of control-----like Sarah Palin, people want their country back---the country controlled by the WASPs, thus maybe it is the fear that causes the supporters of this bill to be bigots.

This is not a bill like Health Care, or Financial Reform that can be argued on merits, etc., it is a bill aimed to harass one ethnic group. And by definition, bigot is appropriate.

Slur count


Thanks for proving my point, again.

So, in your eyes, by the definitions above I am a bigot.

You are so misguided.

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[*] posted on 4-29-2010 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by DianaT
Originally posted by tripledigitken
It's getting real old you calling those that have a divergent point of view to yours bigots and racists. Obviously you and goat can't have a discussion without resorting to name calling?

You come off as a bitter soul.


Bitter? Only disgusted with what is happening in this country and the WASPs who support this harassment law---and that is what it is.

Racists is not a viable term as there is no race other than the human race, but bigoted is viable.

Sorry, but I do believe that anyone who supports this bill is a bigot and a bitter WASP who cannot accept the change in ethnicity that is happening in the country.

There are no redeeming qualities to this bill and it is improper for any state to pass such a law-----

So disgusted is more like it---and in this case, I believe the name bigot fits well. Or maybe it would be better if I just called it fearful---fearful of the loss of control-----like Sarah Palin, people want their country back---the country controlled by the WASPs, thus maybe it is the fear that causes the supporters of this bill to be bigots.

This is not a bill like Health Care, or Financial Reform that can be argued on merits, etc., it is a bill aimed to harass one ethnic group. And by definition, bigot is appropriate.

agree. the AZ law has its roots in xenophobia, bigotry and general fear of change. it is a reaction by white majority to try to stop changing ethnic makeup due to immigration legal and illegal.

the bills author has in the past been involved with white suprmacists, and distributed white supremacist literature to constituents. he did not do a good job of hiding his bigotry. y'all are fools if you can't see it
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