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Author: Subject: Tijuana Shoot Out

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[*] posted on 3-4-2008 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by Aventurera
The death penalty is not currently used in Mexico and hasn't been since the 1930s; however, many Mexican citizens are calling for it to be reinstated with all the recent violence.

As I mentioned above, it is my understanding that the death penalty is on the books for treason. Not a crime you see every day.

After 911, the term "terrorist threat" is loosely used. Drug dealing is that a terrorist threat? If your a lawyer, could you not argue that it's (drug dealing) treason against your country? I guess I'm reaching.:?::biggrin:
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[*] posted on 3-4-2008 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by HotSchott
Originally posted by TonyC
I'm not for turning Mexico into a Singapore, but enough is enough.

Why Not? Turning Mexico into Singapore is exactly what is needed. They don't tolerate any BS in Singapore from anyone. What an amazing example if somewhat Socialist.

I am so not down with anything in the extreme (somewhat Socialist), you just scared the heck out of me. Funny how easy to walk down that road, when you're looking for answers.
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[*] posted on 3-4-2008 at 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Aventurera
The death penalty is not currently used in Mexico and hasn't been since the 1930s; however, many Mexican citizens are calling for it to be reinstated with all the recent violence.

I'd like to see some public executions in this country and Mexico.

Am I bloodthirsty? NO.

I just think simply reading about executions in big headlines glorifies these criminals in the eyes of their "brothers" even more. They come away heroes with their 15 minutes of media fame.

I commend the Mexican government on this latest incident. Too often, they seem to let the violence come to them instead of seizing the initiative.

Five less bad guys out there, potentially...........fewer weapons in the hands of bad guys.

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[*] posted on 3-4-2008 at 12:39 PM

This morning the newspapers are saying that one of the men taken into custody had been genuinely kidnapped and was the son of a local businessman, I believe. Another was a bad guy who tried to pretend he'd been kidnapped by putting handcuffs on himself; however, he had the house keys in his pocket, and they also found gun powder residue on his hands.

It sounds like the authorities did a pretty good job on this one. They surrounded the home, threw in tear gas canisters, and fired few shots themselves. Apparently, most of the shooting was done by the guys inside the house, and the police just kind of waited them out.
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[*] posted on 3-4-2008 at 10:39 PM

Originally posted by TonyC
I am so not down with anything in the extreme (somewhat Socialist), you just scared the heck out of me. Funny how easy to walk down that road, when you're looking for answers.

Funny how being exposed to this stuff wears on you to the point where individual freedoms start to seem less important than the good of the whole. It's even funnier how I would not have said that in my twenties or probably even my thirties. Now that I have something to lose, being a victim is much less appealing. Being executed for using illegal drugs (as in Singapore) is still a little heavy handed if not an extremely effective deterrent. Public caning would sure be the end of the graffiti problem though...
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