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Author: Subject: Mexico Re-open?
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 02:03 AM

Skipperjackerflapper, my ol' nemesis,

Simple summary, Pandemic was predicted, never happened, and today, April 20th 2020 we are over the hump of potential for Pandemic in this case, isolation and quarantine are not justified, nor were they ever, according to all data, either in the past or present.

I clearly stated "make up your own mind" "Recall, every day is different, we learn more every day, some of these articles are weeks old so their conclusions are based on data that has changed." Meaning, the articles show a timeline, an evolution of available data and thought from pandemic to mild flu-like virus with little risk or impact, less than common cold and common flu.

But, now, I am according to SJ I responsible for reversing sourced past articles, because he can't wrap his head around critical thinking to interpret each sourced article across the COVID-19 landscape, a timeline, note changes from the article's authors perspective on the date written to today's date? Even though the Neo liberal acceptable justification for all poor decisions is, "we don't know" so you need to isolate and alter your life long behavior, i.e. Fauci, SkipJack, et al.

SJ insinuates it's my job to compare and contrast Flu A, B, 8 Corona viruses, 2 strains of Covid-19, and put a red bow on it for him, because Skipjack can't fathom a Flu landscape, especially without morbid sensational exaggerations, because today, Flu vs COVID-19, looked individually or together, no pandemic any where in the world. In hindsight, today, COVID-19 has had less impact than the common flu?

I clearly state to you the point is make up your mind, there is an evolution of data and conclusion across a timeline, it was confusing and complex, now less so, we are not where we were, a year ago, 6 months, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and demographics are different, countries health systems vary, etc.

The more that the populations are infected, meaning the higher percentage of people infected, more than 50% infected today according to some recent studies, the more herd immunity, and less potential for future increased number of infections and less risk of impact.

Review data, refer to sources, make an analysis and make your point? Do not project your convoluted backwards the present is not the past concepts on me, I KNOW October 15th is a long time ago in the world of pathogens and demographics, that is the point.

Gnukid 36 points, 33 sources, critical analysis on point, thesis justified by data, polite engagement, 3 rebuttals.
Goat 0 points, no sources, 1 insult and hyperbole, no sources, no references
Skipjack 0 point, 1 source, failed to acknowledge the low number of deaths versus infections in Japan, COVID-19 is in the family of flu-like viruses, and that no increases comparing and contrasting common Flu A, B to COVID-19, nor in overall flu like infections and deaths has been observed globally or regionally in hindsight.

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[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 02:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  

Got it hand it to you Gnukid. You really know how to mislead people

This article:
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

No spike of illness in Japan

is titled "Japan was expecting a coronavirus explosion. Where is it?". It was published March 18.

A month later we get this from the BBC: "Coronavirus: Japan doctors warn of health system 'break down' as cases surge" April 18

Why did you quote outdated information and not from the day before yesterday?

Next -

You provide a link to the decreasing number of infections in the US.

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

US Decreasing number of infections

This article has nothing to do with coronavirus infections. It plots seasonal flu infections.


These are the only two links I looked up in a mass of links you provided. Both were provided to support a narrative that they don't support at all. Why do you do this sort of thing?

Japan has had few deaths from COVID-19. reports a landscape of influenza-like illness, that includes COVID-19 and shows a decrease in flu-like infections since February, which is typical, of course, and no increase year to year. No Pandemic associated to flu like COVID-19 ever arrived, even though that was the main stream media narrative, driven by Gates and Fauci, to support a delay and wait for the vaccine narrative. While vaccines for the flu have far more reports of adverse affects than deaths, and no evidence of efficacy in practical applications, at best and at worst the vaccines is increasing injury and death. In fact, This study to notes, "Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology, in the animals and "Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated." Meaning vaccines in the flu families do have high risk versus reward, and to delay the inevitable virus infection through isolation and wait for vaccine is not a health justified policy.

I am sorry if the lack of data to support pandemic and justify isolation and quarantine makes you feel like a lemming or sardine.

Humans do not live in glass bubbles, they benefit from engaging viruses, your body is full of viruses and bacteria if it wasn't you wouldn't be able to go outside or be inside your house for that matter.

New Data Suggest the Coronavirus Isn’t as Deadly as We Thought

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by gnukid]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 03:04 AM

Anyone engaging in the discussion, presumably of efficacy of successful health policy versus failed is shameful!

We should lynch anyone who questions the radical ideas of isolation as health policy!

Discourse to encourage reopening business and end isolation, since it is not supported by any data, is partisan!

We need to isolate though no data supports that the theory that delay of contact is a successful health policy to combat virus. Even though, humans engage viruses daily and this is the healthy human state. A healthy person will encounter the COVID19 virus at some point, even though its not airborne according to WHO, unless they isolate in a glass bubble, and they will develop antibodies and recover, their antibodies and mRNA will support herd immunity, Although, isolation, "flatten the curve" memes, delay are not a beneficial strategy. Isolation and resulting abandonment is the "policy" of Fauci, because "we just don't know”?

Even if we do know, the human condition requires we have social contact, work, engage each other biologically, to succeed on earth in a homeostasis with plants and animals, we should isolate, since we just don’t know!

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[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 06:26 AM

Anyone else find noteworthy that the same people who feel the virus that has killed 40k Americans is just as much a hoax as climate change?
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 06:47 AM

Anyone else notice that the same people who tell us the human race will end in a dozen years because of climate change are now telling us to be concerned about a virus?

'Single use plastic bags will kill us' stop filling our landfills with plastic bags (then)...multi-use bags will kill us (now)...go back to single use bags. While we dump these left over extra thick plastic multi use bags in the dump.

We need billions of masks, gowns, gloves, to save us...please dispose of same in our landfills.

Single use plastic drinking bottles will kill us...first item to sell out in San Francisco (ok, most every place else) single use plastic bottles.

Keep on truckin'
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 07:31 AM

Must be tough to endure so much anger . I will now enjoy some avocado toast, try not to let it upset you.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by pacificobob]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 07:50 AM

Interesting that the same people in the USA promote the death of 40k a year of highly stressed, isolated and abandoned geriatrics, who coincidentally had presence of flu associated virus, OVER and above the disappearance of nearly 1 million children, the feminicide of untold women, far more death from preventable health issues generally caused by processed foods, and low quality diet.

Suspiciously, these self promoting, octogenarians, also decry carbon dioxide as the source of all life on earth, and would sever the symbiotic relationship of plants, flowers, animals and humans by limiting access to life giving CO2 though arbitrary fines and taxes, presumably in order to kill plants in order to make themselves appear more important?

The pseudo virtue signaling illerati, people like Goat and Skipjack, here among us, pose as good guys, while fail to step up to the plate to do actual good in the face of evil, when it comes down to it, worse, the psuedo do-gooders align strategies in hiding with evil doers, to provide cover and support.

So, there is not good and evil, there are four types of people, bad guys in public, bad guys in hiding, pseudo good guys who in effect support bad guys, and actual good guys.

Which one are you? Are you macho bad, timid bad, fake good, or real good. When will you stand up for truly good ethics, morals, logic and use critical thinking to dismantle logical fallacy to support tyrannical polices that cause far more harm than good, for control, power, and financial gain on the backs of others.

Showdown at sunset on Main Street. Be there!

These photos are of our roof in Baja. This represents silent, calm respectful, joyous action to do good and not spew idiocy, nor harm others. We generate more power than we can use, grid tied, meaning we contribute to the community, and are no burden to society while freely running AC, lights, fans, hot water, ice machines, gardens, electric cars ad inifitum.

I'm calling out the harmful hypocrisy of Nomad pseudo virtue signalers who cause far more harm than good, and perhaps are the most dangerous enemy to our communities.

What are you doing to help? Seriously? Crickets...

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[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 08:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pacificobob  
Must be tough to endure so much anger . I will now enjoy some avocado toast, try not to let it upset you.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by pacificobob]

Hard to tolerate truth huh?

Ever study what has happened to Avocado growers in Mexico?
Yep gulp it down.
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 08:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
People can increase their ability to fight a virus through exposure to others who recuperated, a recent study of Covid-19 antibodies in a disunited population at Stanford showed more than 50% infection and recovery rate in populations tested, with mild or no symptoms in practically all people who tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies. Based on that study and the timeline, in consideration of typical flu seasons, we are likely past the %50 infected population rate in BCS, with increased ability to fight the virus, while on the ground evidence shows very few or none with complications, those who dies had pre-existing cofactors for premorbidity health conditions, it's unclear whether their deaths were as a result of complications from COVID19 or coincidental.

The only data we have is that COVID-19 is a mild flu like virus, China studies have similar outcomes in hindsight, no pandemic and very little risk to populations.

But, Goat and his Fauci type cohorts would prefer to hype the unknown, based on models since "we just don't know" we need to alter our way of life, isolate, while even those requirements are not supported by any data, and isolation puts far more people at risk of mental and physical health and death.

Who studies show COVID-19 is not airborne, masks don't do anything but make you feel like you are a cowboy, they actually increase health problems for those who are compromised, by reducing ability to expel bacterias, and breathe, and for those who are healthy engaging the virus gradually is needed to building anti bodies.

Isolation is a theory! Isolation can delay, "to flatten the curve", it sounds like Weight Watcher's theory? Delay the inevitable, is not a health plan, delay while isolating and abandoning seniors and cutting off access to food, jobs, community, and social contact has caused more deaths and provides no benefit to individuals nor communities to build healthy immunity.

Fauci, has made serious errors, by promoting isolation, shutting down the economy, and provided no discourse on valid approaches to build health and wellness and common sense approaches to fight viruses, such as complete diet, with 90 essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, exercise, going outside, breathing fresh air, taking in sunshine, and engaging in social contact.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by gnukid]

would you care to enlighten us on your scientific & medical credentials, and while you are at it, why not include citations of these "studies" you are referring to?

BTW selling snake oil cures and spouting conspiracy theories does not make you an expert, instead it brings into immediate question your actual level of expertise and knowledge. !

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 08:21 AM

True that the pineapple wars that the USA has proliferated to invade countless islands and kill in the name of Dole to control farming of pineapples, bananas and avocados is truly an example of severe harm based on hypocritical ideologies that destroyed diversity of plant life, created a system of farming that is harmful and all for profit and control.

The pineapple wars are not unlike the COVID-19 false pandemic, a false threat is promoted, cue virtue signaling, preplanned, simulated controlled, predictions of looming crisis that doesn't actually exist. In effect creating a crisis, to manifest a reason to get wide support for radical and destructive change. In the end, harming each of us, reducing our independence, reducing our overall health, liberty for cartel control of food, medicine, and to compromise health and wellness.

Monopolisitc cartel control does not benefit communities, no data justifies, CDC, WHO, or Dole for monopolistic, harmful, control over food and health for profit and control that leaves us exposed to false crisis, and unable to support ourselves as needed.

My banana bread would be more nutritious with more diverse bananas, that have seeds and are not Dole GMO.

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[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 08:25 AM

Abstracts of studies I shared, each include source references, while not my own, I make no claims, nor profess to be a medical professional.

Each of you are capable of calmly choosing to read or not, make up your mind, further evolve your own thesis and arrive at some point with more clarity than before, as opposed to chaotic, "we just don't know," justification for isolation and altered human behavior that goes against the values of liberty, independence, invention, rebelliousness, health, wellness and strength our Countrie(s), were founded on.

I like pizza.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by gnukid]

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Skipjack Joe
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 10:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Gnukid 36 points, 33 sources, critical analysis on point, thesis justified by data, polite engagement, 3 rebuttals.
Goat 0 points, no sources, 1 insult and hyperbole, no sources, no references
Skipjack 0 point, 1 source, failed to acknowledge the low number of deaths versus infections in Japan, COVID-19 is in the family of flu-like viruses, and that no increases comparing and contrasting common Flu A, B to COVID-19, nor in overall flu like infections and deaths has been observed globally or regionally in hindsight.


Funny. I knew I shouldn't have stuck my nose into this. You make your points and congratulate yourself. All rolled into one. The speaker and the audience. Having read your posts here for years I can say you're one of a kind. A lot of verbiage with little to show for it.

I'm just curious. Obviously you didn't gather all these links to answer the posts here. You must've been collecting articles for weeks that supported your world view because there is lots of unrelated and dated information. And then you just threw them on the screen hoping that, what, we were going to spend time figuring out what applies to corona virus and what doesn't? What is old and what is new? But the collection is interesting in that you clearly were interested in a story to discredit the medical experts. This is a strategy you've used over and over. We're all being duped but you, through your incredible intelligence, are providing us the truth, a salvation in the midst of darkness. I've never known anyone quite like that. Thank you for your opinion on this virus but I'll stick to Dr Fauci and the like.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 10:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pascuale  
By the look of things it seems that the outbreak has been fairly well controlled in in most areas in comparison to up North. Its incredible reading how some towns like Los Barriles are handling things .

When do you you think the country will re-open to travel again?

I wouldn't expect before the end of June, though the level of stupidity of our and their leaders is a big variable.

Cases are still climbing, it would've been more if they tested more. Not enough test kits and personnel. Small towns like Los Barriles do not reflect the situation in the rest of the country, and I wouldn't trust the numbers in these communities or evaluate efficiency of their measures.

Some cities are going in a lockdown only now - today they closed Ensenada for non-essential traffic: Ensenada in lockdown as of April 20.

Give it a month or two. Maybe. If they won't get the 2nd wave.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by Alm]
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 12:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Gnukid 36 points, 33 sources, critical analysis on point, thesis justified by data, polite engagement, 3 rebuttals.
Goat 0 points, no sources, 1 insult and hyperbole, no sources, no references
Skipjack 0 point, 1 source, failed to acknowledge the low number of deaths versus infections in Japan, COVID-19 is in the family of flu-like viruses, and that no increases comparing and contrasting common Flu A, B to COVID-19, nor in overall flu like infections and deaths has been observed globally or regionally in hindsight.


Funny. I knew I shouldn't have stuck my nose into this. You make your points and congratulate yourself. All rolled into one. The speaker and the audience. Having read your posts here for years I can say you're one of a kind. A lot of verbiage with little to show for it.

I'm just curious. Obviously you didn't gather all these links to answer the posts here. You must've been collecting articles for weeks that supported your world view because there is lots of unrelated and dated information. And then you just threw them on the screen hoping that, what, we were going to spend time figuring out what applies to corona virus and what doesn't? What is old and what is new? But the collection is interesting in that you clearly were interested in a story to discredit the medical experts. This is a strategy you've used over and over. We're all being duped but you, through your incredible intelligence, are providing us the truth, a salvation in the midst of darkness. I've never known anyone quite like that. Thank you for your opinion on this virus but I'll stick to Dr Fauci and the like.

Obviously I read the nonsense, I thought, it's time to provide some thoughtful commentary with sourced references to the Nomads,, I couldn't sleep, I began to investigate academic sources, I wrote a Nomad forum post, so what big deal, actually my computer battery died and powered down and I lost it, but I thought, no problem second time will be better and I did it again at 3:30AM for my own fun. Yeah whatever. 33 sourced references, not mine, government sources, showing an evolution from idiocy to common sense.

I made my points, 33 references, 3 rebuttals, Paul = 36 points, you did not make any point other than personal ad hominem insults which are logical fallacies that do not support argument. Skippy = zero points.

I looked for a timeline of reports showing evolution of pandemic predictions unsupported by data and gradual evolution of a thesis supported by WHO, CDC, government sources and academics, pandering pandemic peddler Gates, Fauci, et al, pharma cartel preplanned pandemic memes, nothing but memes, "Flatten the Curve" not based on any data, nor weight watchers, but fear based and predicting 65 million deaths requiring isolation, abandonment, work stoppage, blockades, etc, with no justification, falsified data, requirements to alter human behavior and dismantle the constitution and liberty, best practices that have served USA to be a world leader, in exchange for a health policy not based on expertise, pathogen biology, just hype, and there was a clear pattern to the hype, no data, no justification, just fear mongering causing stress and more harm than good. Fauci led a preplanned lfalse narrative designed to alter health policy for profit to drive virus fear, delay the inevitable, and wait for a Gates financed vaccine. The actions of Fauci, CDC, WHO, Gates are unlawful, criminal as are every blockade, every action taken to restrict our freedom that is not justified by any data.

Once more, Skippyflapper, not one validated point, no reference to support any relevant analysis, just blah blah so what. Keep it up, see it where it gets you? While, I receive thousands of supportive comments, and my commentary, though contrary to the main stream media narrative suddenly is adopted, WHO is defunded, Gates vaccine is no longer on the table. Cities are opening all over, fear mongering policy makers are pulled back, even in Baja, yesterday, I politely confronted a rabid group of apocalyptic mom's (Skipjack type) blocking the road. Asked a few polite questions, hours later they dismantled the blockade, this after being there there 24 hours for a month, blocking their own families from getting food?

Those of us in pursuit of health and wellness, we know we are going to lose a few along the way, people who argue against common sense, basic nutrition to fan the flames of partisan politics, rage and anger, we are going to lose some hacks, but many people are changing their minds, here in Baja Nomads a forum of Neo liberal psychopathic extremists claiming to be virtuous while spouting morbid end of the world predictions, and equally conservative sociopathic extremists on the other side, while there lies a middle ground, common sense, thoughtful, low key, critical thinkers who are able to evolve a thesis, provide an analysis and are driving a common sense revolution to confront ignorance, and idiocy dressed up as liberal morality, like lipstick on a pig.

Skipperjacker, seriously make a point, come on mi viejito borracho, no mames wey, salga la casa, ya, provide a resource, be relevant, or shut it for your own good.

[Edited on 4-20-2020 by gnukid]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 01:55 PM

To be clear as to my motivations, I believe that engaging in critical thinking is healthy exercise, especially, for my peers who may be bored, unmotivated, misinformed, lazy, biased, prejudiced, malnourished, etc. I care about this group of compatriots, including obviously my man Dennis who passed, Pompano, Hose A, Skipperjacker, Shari, Blanca, DK, everyone including the joeys and skip jack offs.

I have no interest or concern that stubborn viejitos or viejitas change their 60 year old outdated world view, or change the minds of incredibly ignorant a-holes whose only come back is, "orange man bad", though I am interested in engaging, provoking thoughtful consideration. I believe that the brain is like a muscle and requires flexing and of course, nutrition.

So, give it a shot, anyone, Bueller, DK, what up muh virus?


[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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John Harper
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 07:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
So, give it a shot, anyone, Bueller, what up muh virus.

Have you ever wondered why no one invites you to parties? Verbosity, pomposity, and a boorish attitude are not endearing qualities.

"If you can't define your position, explain, and defend it in a few sentences at a c-cktail party, you've already lost the argument." - Dr. Arthur Laffer

That was sage advice given out by Dr. Arthur Laffer at the beginning of all his courses when he was professor at USC business school in the early 80's. I studied two semesters under him, and received an "A" in both courses.

Good luck finding someone to debate you, you're gonna need it.


[Edited on 4-21-2020 by John Harper]
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 07:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
So, give it a shot, anyone, Bueller, what up muh virus.

Have you ever wondered why no one invites you to parties? Verbosity, pomposity, and boorishness are not endearing qualities.

"If you can't define your position, explain, and defend it in a few sentences at a c-cktail party, you've already lost the argument." - Dr. Arthur Laffer

That was sage advice given out by Dr. Arthur Laffer at the beginning of all his courses when he was professor at USC business school in the early 80's. I studied two semesters under him, and received an "A" in both courses.

Good luck finding someone to debate you, you're gonna need it.


[Edited on 4-21-2020 by John Harper]

Notice, personal insult, ad hominem attack, logical fallacy, no data, no point, nothing, no source, no reference? In any case, you say, ignorant, beligerant, insulting, and I say how high? I am happy to encourage you to think? I care about your wellness health and your future as do all of our friends.

I accept posting links to WHO, CDC, and cumulative reports is upsetting, confounding, I agree.

Anyone have analysis to support or deny Pandemic?

Best to you John,


[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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John Harper
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[*] posted on 4-20-2020 at 08:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Anyone have analysis to support or deny Pandemic?

42,000 US dead in the last two months. Draw your own conclusions.

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[*] posted on 4-21-2020 at 01:52 AM

Well, I hadn't logged on for a few days since posting the original question. Thanks for the info from all and the truly incredible research by Gnukid.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 4-21-2020 at 02:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Anyone have analysis to support or deny Pandemic?

42,000 US dead in the last two months. Draw your own conclusions.


42,000 US deaths associated to flu-like symptoms in in normal range of typical cold or common influenza. USA ranges 25k-90k flu related deaths annually, attributed to poor health, obesity, isolation, lack of sunshine, lack of fresh air, poor nutrition, advanced age, pre-existing cofactors of pre-morbidity. Healthy people are not at risk. Isolation inside is not a successful strategy to reduce risk to flu-symptoms.

Vitamin D derived from sunshine, fresh air, hot soups, juice, complete diet and exercise and contact with those who recovered, healthy people and those infected is a strategy to build immunity. Fauci and Jaunita del pueblo's isolation and reduced mobility policy is fraudulent. Grandma's chicken soup with veggies is the cure to kill virus in the mouth and throat and reduce symptoms of the flu, soothe dry cough, reduce mucos, and improve respiratory function. Hot shower does wonders as well to reduce congestion, feel better and help breathing. Tylenol or Paracetamol can reduce fever, Robitussin or other Jarabe reduces coughing, sore throat and some have decongestant and paracetamol.

US COVID19 infections and deaths are in range of a normal year of flu like infections and complications if we accept the data, at best, at worst exaggerated false positives based on non specific PCR diagnosis, miscategorization of cause of death and pressure to increase numbers while actually in fact few if any lab proven infections confirmed nor autopsies to prove cause of death associated to confirmed positive infection and relationship of COVID19 to cause of death.

This week we are getting good news from COVID-19 antibody tests, populations are showing confirmation of antibodies in high numbers in populations who showed no symptoms. meaning herd immunity is building, in the Stanford study in Santa Clara, more than 50% of the potation has antibodies, meaning were are pst 50% exposure, have had few cases showing risk to exposure.

Overall data points I shared on the sourced references exist for every country and region that no change in overall increase in deaths have occurred, in fact, fewer deaths year to year in the period. Therefore, no data to support the declaration pandemic, and disregard common sense approach to health and wellness.

Furthermore, data is readily available to show a track record of promotion of vaccines or medicines without adequate related study to demonstrate efficacy for example In the case of the common flu vaccine while CDC tracks reports of adverse affects that exceed number of deaths, no demonstrable data to show efficacy in practice, at best and at worst it’s possible or likely the common flu vaccine adds to deaths, since once again, we just don’t know.

All points accepted as common knowledge, yet, Fauci continuously demonstrates a failure to lead by continuing to falsely promote pandemic though has no data, and he provides no discourse to share valid points that viruses are absolutely part of the make up of a healthy person and our natural ability to build immunity is part of our make up that allows us to live a highly successful synergistic life among plants and animals, that requires we engage each other and encounter viruses all day, daily. If we didn’t we couldn’t go outside and we would be far less healthy overall. Diet, nutrition, vitamins including A, B12, C, D etc. fresh air and sunshine are part of successful strategy to fight COVID19 and build immunity to share with others, while isolation is not and is a leading cause of mental and physical health. WHO, CDC and Fauci have a clearly demonstrable failed track record, lack of ethics and do not have data to justify or support required changes to alter human behavior nor make changes to health policies.

While all these points are common knowledge, proven, good citizens are fighting each other, inciting racism and discrimination to lead each down a path of certain failure, why? Profit? Control? Global gaming? Independence and community driven personalized health and wellness has better track record as a successful approach to health, so do you choose to follow Fauci down a faulty strategy for failure or choose to drive local community based and personalized health that focuses on data driven policy and accepted best practices, you decide?

[Edited on 4-21-2020 by gnukid]
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"If it were lush and rich, one could understand the pull, but it is fierce and hostile and sullen. The stone mountains pile up to the sky and there is little fresh water. But we know we must go back if we live, and we don't know why." - Steinbeck, Log from the Sea of Cortez


"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." - Theodore Roosevelt


"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them or to them." - Malcolm Forbes


"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you." - Jim Rohn


"The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer." - Cunningham's Law

Thank you to Baja Bound Mexico Insurance Services for your long-term support of the Forums site.

Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262