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Author: Subject: 22 DAYS TRAIL
Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 08:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  

Hmmm, so what is the part West of MX 1 that I posted called?

Did you ride that or is it one of the array of tracks you asked others for to add to your collection?

[Edited on 1-27-2021 by motoged]

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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  

Did you ride that or is it one of the array of tracks you asked others for to add to your collection?

Stop stalking me you weirdo. 9 months of it is enough already.

Post something about Baja.

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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 09:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  

Did you ride that or is it one of the array of tracks you asked others for to add to your collection?

Stop stalking me you weirdo. 9 months of it is enough already.

Post something about Baja.

Shorty mcjizzy,
You need to dial it down by 5. You annoy people. Take a chill pill, it won’t make you taller, but might take your edge off.


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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 09:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by motoged  

Did you ride that or is it one of the array of tracks you asked others for to add to your collection?

Stop stalking me you weirdo. 9 months of it is enough already.

Post something about Baja.

It is a simple question....a reply on the forum....not stalking.

So, did you ride that or not? Either way, what did you think the track was called?

This thread makes it clear some folks are not sure which trails are what....and efforts to clarify correct information is what this thread is about.

Having ridden many of Lizard Lady's tracks (most are Bill Nichol's), I have used those trail names as my references....

It's not ALL about you.

Capiche ?

[Edited on 1-27-2021 by motoged]

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 10:07 PM

only one way to settle this boys, on the single track, loser says adios, what say Ged and BuckinCalabasas? maybe we can get Larry and Goat in on this too? BRAAAP!
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Jinete Viejo
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[*] posted on 1-26-2021 at 10:53 PM

I think your track from the Hwy to the Pacific is called the Cordonices road.
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[*] posted on 1-27-2021 at 06:49 PM

I sent the tracks to JZ as I was having trouble converting them, he should be able to post them.
If anyone can confirm this is the 22 day trail please do, that is the name I know it by. We did see the memorial last year so I think this is the correct one?
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[*] posted on 1-27-2021 at 07:57 PM

Here are your tracks in Blue/Black with some of my way points sprinkled in.

See Baja California in 4K:

Ever wanted to camp on a deserted island in the Sea of Cortez?

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Jinete Viejo
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 01:06 AM

The blue/black track does appear to be it.
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Jinete Viejo
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 01:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Jinete Viejo  
I think your track from the Hwy to the Pacific is called the Cordonices road.

I haven't a clue about the actual trail but might that name be "Codornices" (i.e. "quail")?

The Almanac (page 7) has a nearby sand wash labeled twice, once with the "r" and once without. Likewise for 2 locations on the road. We need the resident grammar and spelling expert on this blog to straighten this out.
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 10:14 AM

The red track from Hwy 1 that says to Bahia Blanco is the Cordonices road. The Hwy turn off is at KM 252 or 270, take your pick, 252 is better. They come together about 7 or 8 miles from the Hwy. In the almanac there are two Cordonices the one closer to the Hwy is called San Antonio. The other is at the jct that heads south to Santa Rosalillita and has a cemetery sign in the almanac.

The other trail from Chapala at Hwy 1 comes out just north of Bahia Blanco is at HWY 1 KM 234. You have to snake your way around the blue restaurant to pick it up. Lots of silt at the start and as you near the coast.

The two together make for a fun loop.

[Edited on 1-28-2021 by TMW]
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David K
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 11:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
The red track from Hwy 1 that says to Bahia Blanco is the Cordonices road. The Hwy turn off is at KM 252 or 270, take your pick, 252 is better. They come together about 7 or 8 miles from the Hwy. In the almanac there are two Cordonices the one closer to the Hwy is called San Antonio. The other is at the jct that heads south to Santa Rosalillita and has a cemetery sign in the almanac.

The other trail from Chapala at Hwy 1 comes out just north of Bahia Blanco is at HWY 1 KM 234. You have to snake your way around the blue restaurant to pick it up. Lots of silt at the start and as you near the coast.

The two together make for a fun loop.

[Edited on 1-28-2021 by TMW]

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 12:56 PM

I notice you have added your name, date , and copyright logo on those Almanac maps. How does that work?

Just curious.

I don't know anything about copyright laws.....and my corporate trademark lawyer brother says it's tricky stuff sometimes.

This is why I am not a lawyer :

[Edited on 1-28-2021 by motoged]

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 01:52 PM

What 'Almanac' maps do you see that on?
I don't do that... if my name is on a map, it is because I made that map.

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 01:58 PM

Oh, and in case there are newbies who have not been following my map creations on Nomad (done with Nomad help, too): You are all welcome to copy and use my maps for your personal travel and research needs. I add a copyright on them as a discouragement from people who might republish them as their own work. To Nomads and amigos, my maps are your maps!

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 02:01 PM

The maps in the posts above....I thought those were Almanac maps that you have amended.

They may be from a different source than the Almanac, but appear to be amended maps.... e.g. with mileage and re-naming 7 Sister points.

I am not trying to be difficult....just curious as to how such a process works.

Ever try to determine where Aguas Calientes is on a Mexican/Central American map ? :biggrin:

Just looked at your map thread started a few years ago.....and now understand better how you created maps....lotsa work for sure.:coolup:

[Edited on 1-28-2021 by motoged]

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 03:26 PM

Yes, it is indeed lots of work... but the final result is worth it!

I looked and looked for a map that I could modify but it just didn't exist, so I started from scratch using a base map that is available for creating custom maps. I added places, names, all dirt and side roads (only federal highways were on the base map).

To add dirt roads, the base map can be flipped to a satellite map and I drew a line over the roads I saw from space that I wanted to include, then flipped back to the base map.

John M helped me with the symbols for gas pumps, highway signs, airports, scale bar, compass, etc. Recently, geoffff helped me with the new Sierra Juárez area map and then went wild and made the full-peninsula maps by stitching together my 31 area maps and adding into the voids between some of them.

There is a lot of joy in making maps, at least for me. Cartography was my career choice out of high school but while in my local community college taking prep classes, I met this girl.... well, that introduced me to irrigation!

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Elite Nomad


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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 03:45 PM

Some might want to hear that story....:o :biggrin:

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 04:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Some might want to hear that story....:o :biggrin:

Oh, that's easy... all it takes is a beer around a campfire!:light:

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John Harper
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[*] posted on 1-28-2021 at 04:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
only one way to settle this boys, on the single track, loser says adios, what say Ged and BuckinCalabasas? maybe we can get Larry and Goat in on this too? BRAAAP!

I'll donate my mechanic skills and bring my own tools. Just provide some Pacifico and I'm good to go.

I'll put $100 on motoged for the win as well.


[Edited on 1-28-2021 by John Harper]
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