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Author: Subject: 'Double Wall Barrier' talk - Will GOP immigration rhetoric cost Latino votes?
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
Originally posted by mtgoat666
the point is that the US is now a democracy on paper only. the campaign financing system and money influence in politics has caused the government to morph into a corporate/special interest oligarchy.

I 100% agree which is why I have lost all hope for a political solution for the country. It truly saddens me to admit that but the deck is stacked...

revolution is only solution.
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
the point is that the US is now a democracy on paper only.

The US is not now, nor has it ever been a democracy. It was designed and created as a constitutional republic by a lot of smart people who feared the tyranny of kings. In a democracy, two foxes and a chicken can vote on what's for lunch.

The balance of power in the US -- between the uber liberal socialists like you, and the conservatives -- is actually fairly well balanced. You can tell because everybody on all sides of politics are complaining. Nobody is getting everything they want. That defines fairness.
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
revolution is only solution.

Yeah, right. That will solve all your perceived problems and make everybody happy again. The losers of the revolution and the families of all the dead people will just shrug it all off and go back to work for the good of the nation, right?

I cannot believe you are actually entrusted to educate people and are paid with taxpayer dollars. You should be a bicycle repairman and leave the heavy thinking for others.
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 01:10 PM

There is one sure way to stop the Payment of money to Congress.

The people of this Great country should stop buying anything that they donot absolutly need. Cars, Food, Clothes.
If the people would buy only the bare necessities soon the Congressman would be coming to them and asking "What can we do for you??"

We as a People have let GREED take over and control our Destiny. From the lowest Paid to the Richest.

I can well remember when it was different and have watched over the years as the Peoples greed have let the "Sellers" of Goods talk us in to More and More!!
The Govt has turned into the same thing in selling each of us that Bull Puckey" We will take care of you! Just Dial 911.

We must start practicing" Circumscribe our Desires and keep our Passions within Due Bounds"!!
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by BajaGringo
All this talk of class warfare is a bit off base IMHO. I would never suggest to anyone that I am a spokesperson for the 99% but I do think this represents what a lot of us out here feel...

Exactly. This is where I think that the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street overlap in their anger toward government.

This is why I have been encouraging people to view/listen to Buddy Roemer, a 4 time Congressman and Republican Governor who is the ONLY candidate focusing on this issue, it is his primary issue and needs exposure. He only accepts $100 donations so he is not able to get on a number of state ballots or debates. I would love to see this guy change the fucus of the national political debate to this issue, the fundamental one in my view.

Check out or put his name in YouTube and see what he has to say.

If Buddy Roemer could get some national exposure he could well change the entire political landscape as he named names and described the system to the general public. None of the traditional candidates will touch this golden goose with a ten foot pole. Let others know about this guy.

I personally would not vote for him due to his domestic agenda, but man is he right on about how money has corrupted our political system.

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 01:40 PM

Seems like everyone's dissatisfied with the status quo. Liberals blame conservatives and visa-versa. Words from an old song "Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... everybody's right and nobody's wrong...". Wall street isn't the problem!!!!:O It's our leadership:o We have nobody in a postion of power that has the gonads to put a stop to the insanity of throwing money down one "rat hole" after another.
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 02:28 PM

Geez, can't disagree with BajaGringo, Goat, Mengano, Cypress, Iflyfish, or Skeet.

""Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... "

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
Geez, can't disagree with BajaGringo, Goat, Mengano, Cypress, Iflyfish, or Skeet.

""Something's happening here and it's not exactly clear... "


There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

Copied from

I think you are right MitchMan. It is very hard to see the man behind the curtain.

The gal in the scooter saw the man. She is not asking for a handout or government subsidy. She is pointing out that Washington is OWNED by Corporations and their Lobbyists who purchase these Public Servants and Candidates. These same interests decide what issues the Corporate Media will focus on during the election cycle.

Corporate Media will decide which candidates will be in debates, which questions are asked and what the narrative will be. Corporate Media will make millions selling air time to Candidates who are owned by Corporations who are funneling their money into shadow campaign funds.

What happened to Public Service?? It is now Corporate Service and the woman in the scooter got it.

I think that the frustration that we all feel is rooted in this problem, one that it has taken us a good deal of discussion to come to. The fact that Corporate Money owns Washington means that our Public Servants serve their masters, not us. Their interest is not ours, their interest is in filling campaign coffers and getting re-elected so they can enrich themselves.

Both political parties have betrayed the trust of the people. Both Democrat and Republican Presidents have spent like drunk sailors. Presidents now govern with one eye on their re-elections and their campaign coffers. All have lied to the American people and we know it. Our infrastructure, one the pride of the world, is deteriorating. Our Congress is immobilized by polorization. A majority in Congress is no longer a majority.

I beleive that it serves the Corporate interest to have us pitted against each other and drama sells air time. If we are fighting each other then we will not focus on what the real problems are.

Both parties have put us into huge debt. Both parties have supported four major wars in the past 40 years that have nearly bankrupted our economy. We would not be in the debt crisis that we are now in if the Military Industrical Complex had not had their sway over Congress. They make money each time an bullit or rocket is touched off. They make money on the build up to war and the reconstruction after war.

Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander and President of the USofA, a Republican, warned us of this force and the very real cost of each plane they built, each rocket they built, each tank they built and what each would buy us if that money went to support our nation at home.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."
-Dwight Eisenhower

If you have not listened to Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, I would encourage you to do so. He saw very clearly what would happen if the Military Industrial Complex and their Corporations took over the government.

Here find the full address:

War: A theft from those who hunger:
An indepth analysis of how Corporations profit from war making:

What Eisenhower saw 45 years ago has metastasized into a gargantuan military juggernaut whose cost exceeds the arms expenditures of all other nations combined. Eisenhower would be stunned at the growth of this beast now sucking wealth, life, and democracy out of America. It has become the tail that wags the dog, a force so huge and thoroughly ingrained in our culture and political institutions that some believe its dominance has become irreversible.

Consider that there are currently over 700 U.S. military bases spread around the globe, a modern equivalent of the Roman legions once covering a huge portion of the known world. The cost of such a smothering presence is intentionally obscured to divert attention from the scope of our military program. The announced Pentagon budget of $439 billion dollars per year is pure pixie dust. Iraq and Afghanistan war costs (another $120 billion this year) are not even included in the figure but covered by supplemental requests to Congress. Absent this and other means of budgetary sleight of hand, the real cost of our military probably approaches three quarters of a trillion dollars per year. Even in America, that should be viewed as an impressive number.

How did we reach such an unsustainable and perilous point in our history?

"As the memorable line goes in "All the President's Men," "Follow the money." Simply put, war is profitable. Although it is hell for people, it is good for business. Think Halliburton, Northrop, General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon.... and the thousands of smaller companies feeding the insatiable maw of our military appetite. Ships, tanks, Hummers, planes, helicopters, drones, missiles, atomic bombs - all the high tech toys to delight the hearts of our war lords. And all produced by companies bloated with unconscionable profits derived from cost plus contracts and anemic federal oversight.

These manufacturers, representing one of the few sectors of the American economy not to be outsourced, work hand in glove with the Pentagon, always developing newer, more complicated weapons, whether appropriate or not for today's challenges.

But this alliance between the Pentagon and industry has gone beyond what Eisenhower envisioned. It now includes Congress. Again, follow the money. Politicians, always in a race to finance the next reelection campaign, have become addicted to the perks supplied by lobbyists of the defense industry. Former Congressman Duke Cunningham may be the most visible symbol of a venal politician accepting bribes of cash, oriental rugs, antique cars, and shady real estate transactions, but he was certainly not the only member in on the take.

And the Pentagon has made sure that defense contracts are spread far and wide to sweeten the deal for politicians and their constituents back home. For example, the B2 bomber has suppliers in all fifty states of America. Those defense plants create sorely needed jobs, and by cleverly scattering them throughout the country, the Military-Industrial-Congressional complex assures that all communities will jealously protect the plants against future closings. So people have work, politicians get credit for enhancing the economies of their states and districts, the manufacturers get the chance to put their hands in the honey jar, and the Pentagon brass get support for the new weapon systems they crave. It is a complex, cozy, corrupting symbiosis."

We have lost three of the past four wars. A major cost of the Viet Nam War was that it took two parents to support a family. That was the hidden cost. Along with that cost came single parent families and a decline in real wealth and the middle class. Corporations make tons of money building up to and waging war. We the people paid for it. TTen years of war in Afghanistan in addition to fighting an arms race with the US finally bankrupted Russia and caused its demise. Could this be happening to us now? Who profits from war? Is this part of our national debate during this election season? Is anyone really talking about these costs?

Again I would encourage all of you to learn about Buddy Rhoemer, the only candidate who is addressing these issues and the only one who could bring them to national attention.

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 05:10 PM

What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government? Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress? Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.
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David K
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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 05:23 PM

Is she addressing the labor unions???:lol::wow:

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Barry A.
and I see her there in the picture & am making an assumption since she obviously is a OWS--------in my opinion, she would not be there unless she is "confused"......................I actually don't have any opinion of the OWS folks

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by TW
What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government?

You should care - we ALL should care...

Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress?

Yes, I want ALL lobbying stopped where money/goods/services/favors are given to our elected representatives. BTW, I am neither a Republican or Democrat - both parties have screwed us over.

Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

See my answer above...

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by BajaGringo]

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by TW
What exactly does she want? She is most likely on social security and medicare so her scooter is paid for. Is that an oxygen tube she is breathing on? That too is paid for by medicare. So why does she care who bought the government? Lobbyist have been around forever and special interest groups have been around forever. Do you libs want to stop the Sierra Club from lobbying congress? Is Al Gore and his group lobbying congress? Is President Clinton doing it? They all are, nothing new. The local farmers lobby their congressperson to get more water for their crops should that be outlawed? Sounds to me like you only want to stop the lobbying that you don't want.

Corporations now have unlimited right to contribute to politicians and to form "shadow" PACs and run campaigns outside of reporting laws. The difference now is that the place is run by those folks. Sierra Club, Kock Brothers, they all pay own Congressmen and women. Now the more money, the more you own these guys.

The problem as I see it is that the interests of the common working person is not represented any more in this system.

As an example check out my previous post on what Eisenhower said about the Military Industrial Complex.

Think about Dick Chaney, Head of Halliburton, the major No Bid Contractor in Iraq.
Here is a chronology, history, of Chaney's involvement with Halliburton.

You don't see any problem with this?

There is 6-18 BILLION US dollars missing in Iraq.

You don't see a problem with that?

Obama is on the payroll of Wall Street

Do you not see a problem with that as he was involved in the bail out?

Check our how many Goldman Sachs employees were/are in the Bush/Obama administrations?

This is not just your farmer talking with his local Rep about water issues, this is millions of dollars spent to buy influence and now with no oversight and unlimited resources. You don't see a problem with this?

How much clout does a farmer talking with his Rep have if that Rep is being paid millions by special interests who oppose the farmer's need for water?

Washington is OWNED by these folks and the lady in the scooter got it right.

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 09:54 PM

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[*] posted on 11-2-2011 at 10:00 PM



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cool.gif posted on 11-3-2011 at 07:04 AM
1,000 folks, one San Fran beach, and 1 hard-to-ignore message…

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[*] posted on 11-3-2011 at 07:17 AM

because it is amusing

[Edited on 11-3-2011 by mtgoat666]
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[*] posted on 11-3-2011 at 07:22 AM

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[*] posted on 11-3-2011 at 07:37 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666

The 1% already pay almost 40% of the taxes and nearly 50% of Americans pay 0 taxes.

Are these people without any brains or are they following the communist method where if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth?

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[*] posted on 11-3-2011 at 07:41 AM

Raising the taxes of 1% of the US population is the remedy for our economic ills? When that doesn't fix the problem, and it won't, what next? You got it! Raise taxes more. These guys are "one trick ponies". :)
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