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[*] posted on 7-11-2010 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Dave
The least they should do is rename the place.

Maybe the city fathers had a sense of humor...or purpose. :rolleyes:

How about Cuidad Constipation:lol:
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[*] posted on 7-12-2010 at 08:35 AM

Comitan has added another useful suggestion when driving through Ciudad Constitution and that is to drive in the right hand lane with the locals if you do not have a conspicuous vehicle and do not make eye contact with police.

Another report of recent Police Extortion in Ciudad Constitution has been sent to

American Citizen Services

US Consulate General Tijuana

Thank you and please send your reports to the email address above with as much detail as possible and u2u me that you have done so.

There is no guarantee that our efforts will succeed but we can certainly till the earth, trim the branches, water the trees and see if this bears fruit.

Thanks to those who have reported their experience, sent info to Baja news and information sites, kept this thread alive, told their friends, family and accountancies about the Police Extortion. Together, with enough exposure we may create enough attention to change what is going on. Now is the time to act, tag, you’re it.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-12-2010 at 04:03 PM

I thought the whole idea in separating traffic, with islands, was to expedite the through traffic. It's been that way for years in Cancun on Av. Tulum. Funny thing is that there's no great uproar in Cancun over tourists being targeted for bogus traffic infractions. Obviously, some genius in Cd. Constitucion decided that having those center lanes for through traffic was akin to shooting fish in a barrel. And like I've mentioned before, given the huge number of incidences, this situation is not about a few rogue cops. Who, in their right mind could hang out in town and not notice foreign plated vehicles being pulled over by the policia? It's a revenue plan. CC's piece of the tourist dollar pie.
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[*] posted on 7-12-2010 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Who, in their right mind could hang out in town and not notice foreign plated vehicles being pulled over by the policia? It's a revenue plan. CC's piece of the tourist dollar pie.

As Skeet has alluded, the populace of CC secretly, or openly, delight in gringoes being targeted. They know gringoes have money and can spare a few pesos to make the CC economy richer. And if I were to believe what Skeet has written, he is on CC's side -- as most gringoes passing through CC are speeding and Skeet doesn't like speeders. Esp. if they are young, uneducated and on dope.

Picture this: 2 cops, sitting in their truck after a gringo drives off, high-fiving, laughing to the point of tears, fingering the $40 US they just scammed.

''Did you see the look on that pedejo's face? I thought he was going to cry!''

US Marines: providing enemies of America an opportunity to die for their country since 1775.

What I say before any important decision.
F*ck it.
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[*] posted on 7-12-2010 at 10:54 PM

FYI... we got "waved" over as soon as we got into town! LOL I was so irritated... but my husband handeled it. We were told it was just a check point, went with it and nothing happened.
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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 06:47 AM

Lee: Yes I am very much in liking Constitution. I have many Friends there, Have had many good experiences.
Set up the "Warm Jackets for Cold Kids" several years ago and have delivered a lot of Jackets to the Cold Kids out in the Fields>

My wife and I have worked with several Doctors in the Area who are working with the many Children. There is a high incidence of Breathing problems among the kids.

Lee: Speeders are Dummies
DOPERS are Dummies

They Kill Innocent People

I think that 30 kmH is a safe Speed to go thropugh Constitution. There is lots of Foot Traffic on the Main Street.
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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

I think that 30 kmH is a safe Speed to go thropugh Constitution. There is lots of Foot Traffic on the Main Street.

Actually the posted speed limit through Constitution is 40 km/h which is about 24 mph. Plenty slow enough for that good of road. I'm always careful to stay right at 40 km/h all the way through and still get pulled over. It's not really about actual traffic/safety violations, it's just plain extortion.

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Barry A.
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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 07:18 AM

I would try 20 mph and stay out of the way of other traffic and see how that works.

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Junior Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Lee: Yes I am very much in liking Constitution. I have many Friends there, Have had many good experiences.
Set up the "Warm Jackets for Cold Kids" several years ago and have delivered a lot of Jackets to the Cold Kids out in the Fields>

My wife and I have worked with several Doctors in the Area who are working with the many Children. There is a high incidence of Breathing problems among the kids.

Lee: Speeders are Dummies
DOPERS are Dummies

They Kill Innocent People

I think that 30 kmH is a safe Speed to go thropugh Constitution. There is lots of Foot Traffic on the Main Street.

Skeet I just want to interject something... I was so worried about keeping it at the speed limit and watching out for cops I probably made more mistakes through the town. If 40 kil is 30 MPG (i dont remember) it was hard for my foot to sit there. If you want to call me a dummie I dont care, but I'm not use to driving that slow. Yes I do speed and especially in Mexico, there speed limits are extremely low but I am not gong faster then what we do in USA. If you or anyone doesnt agree with me, that is okay we are all different.

sorry I am tired and awnery today! ;)
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 10:26 AM can count out a lot of gringos helping out CCD with the likes of Jackets...etc, until the problem is fixed. Why would anyone go out of their way to help out a town that targets gringos??

Just my .02.

[Edited on 7-13-2010 by fishabductor]
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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by fishabductor
Why is Skeet is always calling everyone dummies and uneducated. Has he looked in the mirror lately? His grammar and spelling skills are horrendous, most people who can't spell are uneducated or just plain lazy.

You should know by now it's part of his charm. We have to respect tenure, if nothing else. :biggrin:
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 11:56 AM


You are a Dummy if you cannot figure a way to get out of Paying when Stopped.

You are a Dummy if you think a bunch of Americanos can influence some people in La Paz to stop something that is happening all over Mexico!

Lookin the Mirror every day:

What do I see??
An old 80 year old Fart with Arthritis in both hands causing my left little finger to hit the S instead of the X aong other mishaps.

Degree in Criminal Investigation
Lots of experiences
38 years in Baja Sur(16 years full time)

Just got through mowing about an Acre of my 5 Acre Rancho, shoveling the Poop of two Horses, taking care of 2 Cats and Two Dogs.

Had a Triple Bypass in 2008, Doctor told me he just put 20 years on my Life.
Had another Treadmill last week say I might have to have another Stent.

Coming up October 5th this year I will celabrate being a Mason for 50 years.
Next week I will be installed as Junior Deacon in my Lodge.
Last week I drove the "MuleSkinners", truck in the Canyon July 4th
Shriners Parade.

I guess that I am too busy to make sure my Spelling is perfect, but would you beleive it I have a 1st Place Blue Ribbon hanging in my room that I got for Spelling in the 2nd Grade at Ada School House near Sweetwater Texas.

I still Fly Airplanes when I get a chance having about 6,000 Hours flying Single Engine Land and Glider Rating{Not Current}

Gnukid: Have you been to School in a High School Class recently?? Go and visit and you will see where i am coming from on the Dummies thing,

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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 7-13-2010 at 12:19 PM


I have never had to pay in CCD, everytime I have been stopped I drove away without paying, however I was peeed off nontheless.

You are right it happens all over mexico, however it just so happens that CCD is the place it's happening very frequently and the people on this site have had enough. You don't see them mentioning it about any other town except CCD, because CCD has become an epidemic area
and numerous people here have had problems. If TJ was the area it was happening more frequently than TJ would be the topic of this discussion, however it's CCD.

I also agree with you that the likelyhood of La Paz helping is about nil.

You got me beat, I have only been coming to baja for 10years, 8 of which I have lived here full time. I am married to a local girl, with an extended ranching family and from what I gather from my talks with them, is that police corruption is not a thing to be proud of or to except. However it is a way of life for many.

Good to see you are out and about at 80y/o, that is the age my grandfather decided to hang up the commercial fishing in ketchikan, AK. However he continued to sail his 27' boat solo, crabbing and salmon fishing until he was 87.

[Edited on 7-13-2010 by fishabductor]
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