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Author: Subject: Don't you just hate it, when you realize it took you 30yrs to learn something that was right in front of your face the...
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 12:49 PM

At the risk of losing your patience, it's apparent that important discussions take longer. Let's take a closer look at the factors that relate to the dumbing down of the voters (blurps):

For ever in time, there has been the struggle to reign control over the masses by those who claim right to govern over them. Over time, greater understanding of the collective psychology of man has revealed more about the inner psychology of the human being as both capable of logical reasoning yet more so controlled by irrational thoughts and desires that Sigmund Freud researched and wrote about, later his nephew Edward Bernays used the ideas to further propaganda into political science and public relations which he used successfully to promote marketing of many products such as cigarettes and the take over the banana republics among many other political feats.

Language plays a big part as well, language is both localized and globalized, language is the programming of the people, the meaning of words has both implicit and explicit meaning for example, the word Kid means child and it also means goat in english. Goats are herded by masters. Those who seek power use words throughout society to both communicate implicit and explicit meaning-this is one form of implicit control.

People may be able to use language to describe their world, but if they can not they remain unable to discuss the way things are or the way things used to be or the way things ought to be. So education plays a critical role in either giving people the tools they need to think or reducing their ability to think and discuss ideas.

As Royals and warlords became aware of the peoples ability to form liasons and factions they discovered they could be led regardless of their inclination, so, it was determined that by creating and controlling the opposition one can lead the both the power center and the opposition, by fractionalizing larger groups into smaller ones, groups could be corralled and led against one another.

Ultimately there were societies that were controlled with an iron fist, but this is costly, instead it was discovered that people could be led to demand the very goals of the Royal warlords, for example to demand taxes for certain goals, to demand enslavement of certain groups, to vote for and demand a fictional representative leader as the image of their collective ideals such as the modern mayor, governor and president while behind these public images are the real yet hidden leaders, a shadow government that you will never see.

By reducing peoples ability to reason with logic and discuss ideas they could be led more easily, false arguments could be used. Plato was among the philosophers who joined a society known as the Socratic Society who explored these ideas and wrote about them in works such as Plato's Republic. Led by Socrates, Plato, Xenophon and Aristophanes wrote about the meaning of justice and truth.

The study of of logic and critical thinking involves the trivium and quadrivium, the trivium is made up of the lower of the seven liberal arts, logic, grammar and rhetoric. The quadrivium is the four higher four liberal arts, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music.

By removing the study of these arts from education, false or fallacious arguments may be used to fractionalize the people in subgroups and lead them to battle each other, ultimately demanding the goals outlined by the power elite. Some examples of false arguments or fallacious arguments are first the ad hominem attack, instead of attacking the subject you attack the person. For example, if person A made an argument for free education for all, a fallacious argument against that might be, you are liberal retard. Another false argument is the false premise, for example, most people are stupid therefore free education for all would never work. There are hundreds of false arguments, they are often see here on BN and easily spotted if you know the trivium you can identify them if not you may find yourself arguing in circles and losing your focus and energy toward a logical outcome.

Over time, there has been increasing skill to control the discussion as well as limit education, by doing so those who seek to lead the masses use many false arguments. A common example is the false strawman argument or fallacy of extension, for example, person A claims an exaggerated position of person B and attacks that position as wrong. Another common false argument is the fallacy of the anonymous authority, for example Experts agree... but you don't name the source as it does not exist. The list is long but you get the point, other common false arguments are Needling, Lies, Inflation of Conflict etc...

So you see by educating yourself about logic, grammar and rhetoric (dialect) you can empower yourself to recognize false arguments that are used to fractionalize communities, divide and conquer and control the population in order to lead them to demand their own enslavement under a self-appointed ruler.

This process of control through control of language and education has been going on for eons, there are countless books written by both those who seek to promote self-education such as Plato and those such as Manley P. Hall who seek to promote the control of the masses for the benefit of a few, we've discussed many of those here as well as witnessed their incarnation. While this process has gone on forever, the influence of the few over the masses has grown by those who attempt to control the language, the media and subsequently the message, as Marshal McLuhan noted "the medium is the massage".

Take the time to learn about the trivium and how to spot these clearly obvious false arguments and you will find yourself free to pursue clarity and truth toward your independence and education.

[Edited on 2-4-2011 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 01:12 PM's about your avatar...what's cookin'?
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 01:36 PM

Barry: May I answer Goat?

Goat You will never be successful at changing People to your ways. You can fool some of the People some of the time but not all of the People all of the time.
If you had been rasied in my time you could have seen the Principle, Character, Strength of the American People. It is still there and there are enough Grandkids and future Children that will prevent these "lazy Thinkers" from ever defeating the Great United States -From With out or from Within.

Look around Why do you think there are more People in Church on Sunday that go to the Movies??

Why do you think TEXAS is doing so great when other States are losing their Businesses and People??

Could it be that the BAPTIST are doing a Better Job at running Texas than the DOPERS?? are running California/Nevada??
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 02:50 PM

Dennis, You bring up another excellent point which relates to this subject of voters and Nomads; your body and brain functions require a complex diet for your brain to function fully.

I'm cooking beans with are rich in protein, ranchera salsa, chicken soup stock and risotto to go along with fresh salad, vegetables, melon and fruit.

I believe that these pots cooking in the morning and at night also create healthy aromatherapy, they heat the house in the cold weather like today, they make you feel good even if you aren't eating them at the moment and by the same token we are influenced by the plants around us, their qualities affect us whether we are eating them at the moment or not.

People are dumbed down directly through poor diet. When you see the locals hit the tienda for a 2 liter coke, chips and candy--the result is poor brain function. Many items found in the store are actually poisonous for your body, like artificial sweeteners and diet drinks with aspartame and others are foods with no benefits yet contain high fructose corn syrup. Worse the names of foods are being confused through manipulation of FDA regulation and organics and genetically modified foods are not labeled effectively to inform buyers.

Nutrition is key to brain function. If instead of poison and empty foods, you eat a complex diet of fresh raw foods that deliver nutrients, minerals and energy that you get from local sources that you know are grown in safe and healthy manner, and you add staples from healthy sources you will feed your brain and body and allow it to function fully. A complex diet will also give you more energy and you will be less likely to react with extreme emotion such as depression or manic behavior, I think you'll find your reasoning ability improves and you reach your potential.

While I don't eat perfectly, nor have I reached my potential, I try and I enjoy a broad and complex diet including fish, meat and eggs, home made bread. I simply try to add diversity and more raw local foods. I find I am more calm and more able to think reasonably without overreacting or becoming unnecessarily emotional. In short a good complex diet of healthy food allows you be closer to achieving your full ability. My daily goals are to prepare 20 vegetables and to begin the day with healthy fresh meal.

Here are pictures of my current midwinter rooftop garden in Baja, we just ate a cantelope melon that I harvested at this moment. In our community we are sharing seeds, sharing harvests and sharing knowledge of how to garden.

[Edited on 2-4-2011 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 03:09 PM


Are you a Girl?
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Are you a Girl?

Of course he isn't a girl. He was talking about melons and thought it would be helpful to illustrate his point. I think it was a very nice gesture. Very Very nice.
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 04:33 PM

Funny, I liked the corn... :):)

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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 04:39 PM

Gnu, you are right about the manipulation of the masses, it isn't something new, but with the ever increasing number of hours every day that the corporate media commands our attention it has become a very effective science from which none of us are immune. The only way to avoid it is to get out in the world and experience what's really going on so we have counter references to the spin, unfortunately, the majority are quite content to sit on their Lazy Boy and have the glowing box do their thinking for them.
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 04:50 PM
I Dunno

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Are you a Girl?

Can't say that I agree with Skeet all that often, but the text sure would support the contention.

So, while we are at it, and still intoxicated by a combo of zen and new age babble, someone 'splain to me how it is that Egypt has by far the greatest number of unemplyed college graduates in the world.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 05:03 PM

Because they have no Jobs, no real maufacturing, or large emploers who make a lot of Money and Hire them.

Or could it be that the Muslim Brotherhood are teaching them that they donot have to work, just get the Govt. to give them Money???

Why is it that those Dummies cannot take after the Chinese where everybody has to work or Die???

Finally to Gnukid: Kid I did not understand your very long and Accruate Thread with so many fancy words.
Your use of words that I have never seen or heard cause me to relect and wonder if they are "Code" ??

Back in 1941 I listened on a Battery Radio to FDR say If they want War we are going to have War".. The people of this great County responded and whipped the Poop out of Germany and Japan. We can do that to North Korea and Iran in a Minute, and it maybe that we will have too do just that in the near future and I and old Korean War Vet am ready to go and "Whup some more Butt"//
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[*] posted on 2-3-2011 at 06:16 PM

" I am Lothar of the hill people, I am a simple man and do not understand your ways" . I'm not quite convinced that people around the world are as bumbling and ill conceived as portrayed here. As able adults we all feed ourselves.
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[*] posted on 2-4-2011 at 09:13 AM


In the past few years there has involved among some of the younger Generation a "Need to be told what to do". This probably comes from the High Schools where each time a kid needs to Wipe his Nose, it takes a couple of Consulars{Govt. Employees}.
As they got older and went to the Universities and received "Spam" from the more Liberal Profs they became addicted to thinking that they had to do what the Authority was telling them.
This is apparent in small Municiplas with the Boards of Alderman controlled by a "City Manager"{Also a Govt Employee.

TV and the Internet brought it to everyone. The use of "Scarey Photos and Stories warning People of different outcomes unless they did what they were told became the Norm.
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[*] posted on 2-4-2011 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Are you a Girl?

Can't say that I agree with Skeet all that often, but the text sure would support the contention.

So, while we are at it, and still intoxicated by a combo of zen and new age babble, someone 'splain to me how it is that Egypt has by far the greatest number of unemplyed college graduates in the world.

Ya mean even more than the 31.5 million unemployed here in the United States... what's the break out on those numbers... tried to read all of your post on that report... put could not find a break down by education...

Was somewhat amazed at the admitted amount of unemployed workers in the United States.. which is always spoken in terms of %, not actual "numbers" of non working folks in the United States.. it doesn't hurt as much when % is used rather than a real number....

As for unemployment, perhaps... the Global Melt down just "pushed" all those in the "vast middle class" which used to exist in Egypt, into the "new class" which we are finding HERE ..... or are 31.5 Million Americans going to be going back to those "jobs" which used to be here... one way or the other....

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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto

Here I am an Addled old Fart with a Couple of Million in my Hip Pocket, a Beautifull Young wife for the past 30 years{As of Feb. 14th} Spent 38 years in Baja Sur and the Sea of Cortez, a 50 Year Freemason, a Shriner, Former Alderman, Pilot, Skier, Cowboy, Investigator, College Degree,

Skeet, I am impressed with with the above, for sure.

Question: Do you drink alcoholic beverages? In your opinion, is there a difference between smoking dope and drinking alcoholic beverages - not in the kind of high nor with regard to the legality of either, but from the moral/immoral perspective of the practice of voluntarily choosing inebriation?

[Edited on 2-15-2011 by MitchMan]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 10:13 AM

Interesting that Jesse and the gang point so clearly to an important subject, which is that 'stupid' people in general are being misled by two sides of the same thing, a false battle of brother-sister-like political combat, whose end result is the same, for the same power elite.

Yet while pointing it out, the speaker blames the plebians for their tendency to follow shallow cutout political figures and at the same time professes belief in the system?

This thread touches on the-majority-are-dumb-except-me concept, a arrogant, sanctimonious and pedantic position that posits that it's everyone else at fault, except of course MEEEE! While, a more thorough hashing of this subject would also include these ideas:

Anyone who believes the political system elects representatives is at fault

Anyone who participates is at fault

Anyone who blames others is clearly at fault

I am responsible for what happens around me

If we were to identify a personality trait which serves the political charade it would certainly be the idea that it's everyone else fault 'cept me, and since I am alone in this world I can do nothing to help. The mindset both serves the politic and the individual with a rationale for failure to act in a manner which includes action and responsibility for your community.

On the other hand, wouldn't the societal ideal perception be that everyone is capable of helping the process, everyone is capable of seeing the theatrical mis-leaders being selected by hidden power elites and everyone has infinite capability of being aware and intelligent in their decision making, and infinitely active toward changing the political system toward a more functional method of managers of basic infrastructure and city services?

[Edited on 2-16-2011 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 10:41 AM

Russell Means ... has a standing offer .. renounce citizenship.. and all monies from the Government of the United States ... and one can live forever on the "res"... not sure how "Passports" work for Native American's... living on the "res"

Believe, if one wished to make a personal statement about the government and the controlling "factors" .. it would be the strongest against what is happening... and would, if all applied... make some rather major changes quickly... the results.. well, who knows...

Still thinking... just hate that cold weather...

[Edited on 2-15-2011 by wessongroup]

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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 11:30 AM


I personally understand your pictures better than your verbalization. :lol::lol:

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 11:37 AM

Ok, better if I use BN colloquialism?

YO that Jessie is the pot calling the kettle black, yo!

Dude its the system man, its the system-they holding a brother down jack!

Man I was fishing and what not, at that moment I felt free, like really free!

Does that summarize my points compadre?

Or, it's the dam microwave ovens-its controlling der minds!

[Edited on 2-15-2011 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 11:40 AM

Originally posted by gnukid

Does that summarize my points compadre?

It probably does, but I'm not sure.

Who exhumed this thread anyway?? :lol:
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[*] posted on 2-15-2011 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
Russell Means ... has a standing offer .. renounce citizenship.. and all monies from the Government of the United States ... and one can live forever on the "res"... not sure how "Passports" work for Native American's... living on the "res"

Believe, if one wished to make a personal statement about the government and the controlling "factors" .. it would be the strongest against what is happening... and would, if all applied... make some rather major changes quickly... the results.. well, who knows...

Still thinking... just hate that cold weather...

[Edited on 2-15-2011 by wessongroup]

I'm struck by the clarity of this post-thank you for excellent writing!
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