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Author: Subject: A Double Shakedown in Constitución
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 10:04 AM

You may file your claim with the Ministerio Público (Public Prosecutor) in the State, in the Secreatria de la Función Pública, which is Agency in charge of surveillance the governmental employees to:

or through the web site of the
General Attorney PGR to: CONTACT:

I hope he gets an EAR FULL! of Nomad Rage! Just do it!

Iflyfish and will buy the first round for Nomads who take ACTION NOW to stop this extortion.

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 04:06 PM

I have sent the following email to:
and General Attorney PGR to: CONTACT:

Extortion in Ciudad Constitution by Local Police on Federal Highway

I have been reading for some time about the extortion that is occurring in Ciudad Constitution where local police are requiring bribes, mordida, from United States Tourists who must travel through this town to reach Southern Baja. There are so many of these reports that it is time that authorities take action. Tourism has already been affected by crime in Baja, and now it’s the police, on the only Federal Highway that connects Northern and Southern Baja.

Please take the time to read these posts and do what you can to stop this robbery. We had planned to spend time in Ciudad Constitution, eat at restaurants, stay in the excellent RV park there, hire a guide to take us to see the whales in Mag. Bay. Now we will go no further than Guerro Negro if this problem is not resolved.

This email is from an outfitter that I planned to hire to guide me fishing and whale watching in Magdalena Bay.

“"Unfortunately it's true that moto cop number 045 has hit a couple of my friends and me too. Cost me $300 pesos on the spot. This guy tried to get one of my friends for $80 dollars but they gave him 500 pesos and said "that's it" ..then drove away . moto cop 045 did not follow them.”

This from
Police Games in Constitucion?
DWG – Driving While Gringo
Paula - Veteran Baja Driver
I just wanted to put a warning out to the folks traveling through Ciudad Constitucion. We just drove up Baja from Los Cabos and we stopped in Constitucion for gas. A warning from a friend, who had traveled through a few weeks earlier, told us of the police stopping them for going through a yellow light.
She spoke Spanish and did not get a ticket nor did she have to pay a bribe. So we were well aware of every stop light and stop sign driving through the town, going the speed limit.
We were stopped at a stop light and I saw the Police stopped at the stop light going the opposite direction. He was to go straight. After the turning lane next to him finished and before our light turned green he made an illegal u turn from where he was in front of us and pulled over at the end of the block ahead. I just knew that he was after us.
We stopped right next to him at a stop sign then when to the next stop light, as my husband got to the intersection it was blinking green, in the middle of the intersection it turned yellow. Never any red. Sure enough the police pulled us over and told us it was illegal not to stop at a blinking green light and said it was a $100 ticket.
We argued that it was not illegal and that he could give us the ticket and we would go to the court. He said we could not go to the court till the next day (a Saturday), it was 4:30 pm when we were pulled over. This went on for awhile and finally we gave him $20 and he left. It was really disappointing,
I've always liked this town to stop and eat, but now when we come back down, we won't even stop for gas

Posted on BajaForums:
Posted June 10, 2010 09:08 PM
The city of Cd. Constitución has been sanctioning the using a traffic ticket trap. Under many pretenses they have been extracting money from drivers with foreign license vehicles. In many cases the officers have been taking cash from the victims. In my case a week ago two motor cycle patrolmen pulled me over as I approached the city. They had no radar equipment, eluded to speeding but I was behind traffic and just went over a speed bump, so they mulled it over after seeing my Mexican drivers license and decided to write me a ticket on the pretense that there was a problem with my California license plate. I was directed to go to the police department and pay the fine. I inquired at the department as to what was wrong so I could correct the problem so as not to be ticketed again and only received a 25% discount for my trouble (from $525 pesos to $393). Since this has been a continual problem, reported by many travelers, on a Federal Highway, thru a town without a bypass, the federal, state, and community governments must act to deter these illegal harassments.
Contact the mayor, the governor, the president, the sub-director of police (Sr. Villalejos 613-100-1910), the US Embassy (1-888-407-4747), (1-800-782-7463) and protest.

Fraternally; Joe Wachter

On BajaNomads there are the following posts:

posted on 6-19-2010 at 07:55 AM

A Double Shakedown in Constitución

We've been in Cd. Const every 3-4 wks either passing thru on the way to La Paz, or for banking and groceries and knew it was only a matter of time before we'd fall victim to the sharks in the blue uniforms that so many others have been reporting.

I've read reports from people who have been pulled over in Cd Const twice on the same trip on their way to and from la Paz , but here's the doozy we experienced 2 days ago. We were pulled over 2 times before we even left the city limits! Once as we entered town and 10 min later as we were leaving.

I'll preface the story by saying we always go at, or below the speed limit no matter how slow that is and stop completely at intersections, and stop for pedestrians etc.

One block after the statue intersection on the North end of Constitución, a cop standing on the sidewalk blew his whistle and waved us over. He asked for Wooo's license and then said "Hey, you're from Las Barrancas aren't you? Remember when you bought beer for Tito and I?" Well we're not from Las Barrancas, but we do know Tito and this cop looked a little familiar so we just smiled and sort of nodded without really confirming or denying about the cerveza part.

The cop waved and said "No no, put your license away. After you pull back on to the highway, stay in the center lane so you can avoid the 'retén' ahead and have a good trip".

He waved us on and we pulled away and moved to the center lane of the Southbound highway. 2 blocks beyond there were a couple of cops standing on the side service road next to their truck, who appeared to be looking for cars to pull over also. I don't know how, or if, these 2 groups were working together.

About 10 min later we had passed the Super Ley and were almost out of the South end of town when BigWooo says "uh oh, here we go" and we get the red lights and siren of a different cop truck. We pull over again and the guy asks for Wooo's license. He held up his wallet with the license visible and (in a maneuver we learned about from reading a Nomad post by Paulina about Dern's technique), Wooo shows the guy his license but refuses to let him have it in his hands.

The cop insists he needs to hold the license but Wooo is persistent and tells him he'll gladly hold it up for him to look at but will not hand it over. The cop went to his truck and returned with a ticket book and pointed to rule #8 which said something about "failure to provide license or ID".

As he was reluctantly handing over his license, Wooo asked why he had pulled us over and the guy started in to nuclear spanish mode during which I caught something about a "stoplight and a niño". From this we gathered we were getting the imaginary-pedestrian-in-a-crosswalk scam that we'd heard about recently.

Wooo's patience was wearing thin and his volume was increasing as he said we'll go to the cop shop and sort it out. The cop said the station was closed for 3 more hours. Wooo told him the police station does not close, and he has many friends on the department so lets go talk to them ( actually it's just the 2 local cops in our little town). The guy paused, returned the license, then walked back and got in his truck.

We had barely pulled away from the curb and they already had another gringo pulled over behind us. He wasn't even back in his truck long enough to witness a violation by another vehicle.

Today, on the drive back thru Cd Const I saw one cop car as we passed through town.

This situation is so ridiculous that it's funny, but not really. The next time may not be as easy and it makes you really dread having to go thru that town.

posted on 6-20-2010 at 06:14 PM

I've been pulled over 2x in CDC.. Both times for BS things. My mexican wife started asking a bunch of questions..badge #, name, etc. We said lets go to the station both times...they said adios both times.

I hate CDC anymore. I got to the point where I no longer want to drive Baja. I live in the loscabos area and we just now fly. There is nothing I can't buy locally that I absolutely need.
I should have posted this sooner, but 2 weeks ago our lead vehicle ran a stopsign that had been placed at a broken stoplight in Constitucion. This was a motorcycle cop that pulled him over. By the time we got out of town, we saw three other gringos get pulled over. Unfortunately my friend didnt know the drill and handed over 500 pesos.

We met 3 other gringos in our travels during the next week that had been pulled over in Constitución.

more pullover stories in upcoming posts

posted on 6-20-2010 at 02:36 PM

I have been stopped almost every time I have gone thru Constitution over the last 4-5 years- about 4 times a year. Usually the cop wants a bribe, 200 - 800 pesos. Twice I have gone to the police station to pay my fine- both times the Commander backed-up his cop and demanded that I pay him or have my car and gear impounded- I paid. Once, I was stopped by two local cops who claimed my trailer lights weren't working: when I walked to the rear of my trailer to check the second cop ripped my wiring from the plug and said in perfect English, " Here's your problem; the wires are broken, you should have checked them before you left home". It cost me $20. to get out of there. I hate to pay the bribes but from what I've seen you will get no relief from the local police management. It does not matter if you are on the Federal Highway or the town streets; the local cops will stop people on any of the roads thru town. I will spend no money in Constitution ever, if I can help it. The newer Pemex North ( West side of road) of town is well known by the locals to short-liter you, and they will try to short-change you if you let them.

posted on 6-20-2010 at 06:14 PM
I've been pulled over 2x in CDC.. Both times for BS things. My mexican wife started asking a bunch of questions..badge #, name, etc. We said lets go to the station both times...they said adios both times.

I hate CDC anymore. I got to the point where I no longer want to drive Baja. I live in the los cabos area and we just now fly. There is nothing I can't buy locally that I absolutely need.

Posted on 6/25/10


Okay, I will add myself to the victim list. On June 21st, we were pulling into CC, heading south to our home in LB. I have been reading the posts recently and decided to play it extra cautious. I started down the center lane, literally going 10 mph. I stopped at every light, crosswalk and stop sign. I noticed one police officer had someone pulled over on the frontage road. I proceeded south very slowly. About three lights from the end of town, I noticed a police truck turning left in front of me while I was sitting at a red light. He turned left, made a U-Turn and shadowed me on the frontage road the entire rest of the way. Continuing @ 10mph, he finally pulled behind me at the last light and lit me up. When I was chatting with him, he said I failed to stop for pedestrians seven blocks back. Impossible since he only pulled in front of me near the end of town. He told me he was going to keep my license and I could come get it at 8:00 the next morning at the police station or........ $500 pesos right now. I pondered letting him keep my license and just getting a new one when I returned to the states, but figured that might not be that bright. After negotiating for several minutes, we agreed on $400 pesos and we were on our way. He even extended his hand out to shake my hand. He was polite even after I told him that everybody knows what is going on here and that he is only hurting his own community by harassing tourists. I asked him who would ever want to come stay in this town with all of the police extortion and he simply laughed and said not my problem.

I will be driving back north in a few weeks to continue the saga. It is a shame, because I normally stay there for lunch and a few beers. Not anymore!!!!


posted on 6-27-2010 at 09:16 PM
Hola, there was a post on the western onion about an art festival in la paz in november. i emailed the person promoting it and told her that our annual caravan of older travelers in southern baja changed our minds about attending it due to the C.C. situation and were fearful of being harassed going and coming back through C.C. so this year, we'll do more of the U.S. as we should also put monies into our own economy.

we feel so sad for the people that aren't involved with this self seving type of conduct that will only hurt the honest and hardworking people.

YES...GO TO OTHER WEBSITES ! give them feedback as to why people are being discouraged from going further than loreto.

don't be laxidaisical as we need to have this harrassment stopped !

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 04:19 PM

This just came in:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:
The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.

Keep us posted on what you are doing about the extortion of US citizens in Ciudad Constitution.

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Iflyfish
This just came in:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:


That sure looks like the ole webmaster@.... address. If so, the techie running the website, even if s/he read email, probably would just ignore the message.

Filing a complaint to the PGR using this form might work:

here's a translation - using the translated form to submit the complaint probably won't work.

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by k-rico]

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 06:05 PM

Likewise, for the Secretaria de la Funcion Publica

A link on this page, , went to the following form for filing a complaint:


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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 06:17 PM

If this website ever comes back up, it would probably lead to a good place to make a complaint.

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 06:33 PM

Tell the boss!!!!

The government of Comondu, the municipality that CC is part of:

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by k-rico]

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 06:52 PM


K Rico amigo!!! Well done!! Now lets get the emails going. Blast them!! Cut, paste and blast! Let our voices be heard!

I hope we can innumdate them with emails. I will be providing the stories, all you have to do is tell yours or comment on how you intend to modify your plans to avoid Ciudad Constitution and the extortion of the police.

As Dennis said, this sort of action stopped the extortion on the Toll Road, lets stop this extortion on The Only Road Connecting Northern and Southern Baja!

There is strength in numbers.

Tag, you're it!

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 06:59 PM

Blasting them with complaints might be a way to go.

But I'm wondering if professionally done message by perhaps a Mexican lawyer, say one who owns a tourist business, or is a friend of a tourist business owner, claiming police corruption and sent to El Presidente Ibarra might be more effective.

But complaints sent to his secretary, , will probably get to his desk.

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by k-rico]

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 07:00 PM


Should I send my email in english or spanish? I plan to send the exact email that I sent to the webmaster and the other government official.

Filing a complaint to the PGR using this form might work:

here's a translation - using the translated form to submit the complaint probably won't work.

If it is better to send it in Spanish, then I could use some help with a translation of what I have written as found in my post above posted on 6-29-2010 at 11:06 PM.

I plan to send a copy to every one listed above, every one! Let the buzz begin!

We will soon have a guage of our collective Nomad power and the power of the internet a tool we all know how to use.


[Edited on 6-30-2010 by Iflyfish]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 07:06 PM


I am open to approach this any way we can. My thought was to have a Nomad with good language skills translate what I have written above and send it to everyone that I can. My thought is to shake all of the trees and see what fruit drops.

I others want to send Spanish Language messages maybe other nomads would volunteer to do the translations for them.

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 07:14 PM

Jeez I dunno. Maybe handling it locally by contacting Ibarra would be the quickest and most effective way to go. Plus I think a local citizen of some standing presenting the problem in a quiet manner to the boss is more of a Mexican way of doing things.

Mentioning that if the problem is not solved state and possibly federal authorities will be contacted might be good but, IMHO, I think to those folks this problem won't make the daily to do list.

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 07:22 PM

I'm going to keep a printout of the list of officials clearly visible on my dashboard the next time I drive through CC. ;)

Anybody with Arizona plates driven through CC lately? :o

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by k-rico]

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 08:37 PM

I really like and appreciate the list k-rico supplied. I would be interested in seeing the reaction if I was stopped and I showed the officer the list and asked which of these individuals I should call first to verify that it is ok to pay him on the spot.

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 08:45 PM

sirenita would probably translate any letter you might want to send...u2U her.

for info & pics of our little paradise & whale watching info
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 10:32 PM

Good one jbcoug

Great idea, particularly if we have paved the way with emails to them about our feelings about extortion by police in Ciudad Constitution.

Let them know who we are and what our concerns are and then REALLY contact them if you are pulled over for mordida in Ciudad Constitution!

Lets send them enough email on this to make them SICK of us!!

Tag, you're it. It only takes a few minutes to compose an email, cut and paste it and send it to the email addresses above.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-29-2010 at 10:38 PM

Here is the list of officials in a form that you can copy and paste to your emails.

I am not familiar with these offices and what their functions are. It looks like there are folks on this list that might be interested in hearing from us.

Please cut and past those individuals who we would best send our complaints to.

The list:

Presidente Municipal
C. Dr. Joel Villegas Ibarra
C. Angelica Murguia, Secretaria Particular

Comunicacion Social
Director de Comunicacion Social

Tesoreria General
C. Lic. Sergio Aviles Mendoza

C. Adolfo Meza De LA Abadia Y Correa

C. Antonio Ezequiel Espinoza Estrada

C. Sandra Romero Geraldo

C. Ramon Ulises Lopez Loya

C. Lic. Marco Antonio Garcia Rivas

Recursos Humanos
C. Raul Avila Camacho

Direccion DE Cultura Y Juventud
C. Elliot Paulino Sanchez Esparza

Asesoria Juridica
C. Lic. Sergio Antonio Romero Felix

Asersoria Jurididica
C. Lic. Sergio Antonio Romero Felix

C. Lic. Aldo Alejandro Lopex Gomez

Departamento de Informatica
C. Joel Enrique Martinez Corral

Registro Publico
C. Lic. Maria Cristina Teran Card##as

Catastro Y Fundo Legal
C. Jose Felipe Hernandez Arvizu

C. C.P. Baldemar Gomez Lucero

Escuela De Musica
C. Prof. Enrique Garcia Soto

Accion Civica Y Social
C. Prof. Rafael Bareno Nunez

Obras Publicas
C. ARQ. Armanado Mayoral Vidal

Desarrollo Social Economico Y ecologico
C. Ing. Sergio Martin Felix Contreras

Seguridad Publica Y Transito
C. Tent. Alvaro Orlando Gerardo Cabanillas

C. Lic. William Nunez Jordan

C. Lic. Roberto Higuera Fernandez

C. Gonzalo Carreno Martinez

C. Lic. Enrique Borjorquez Card##as

C. Lic. Juanita Zamundio Beltran

C. Ing. Donaciano Camacho Astorga

C. Zuleika Lizet Espinoza Mora

Secretaria de la Funcion Publica

A link on this page, , went to the following form for filing a complaint:


Procuraduria General DE LA Republica

Feedback please on who should receive copies. The guy in charge of music is probably out, but don't know what the other bureaus do.

When I get this sorted out I will email a copy of the post summarizing all of the incidents found on this and other sites regarding the police extortion in Ciudad Constitution and hope you all will also send emails to these people.

I will as for help with translation of my post when I find out who to send them to.


Tag, you're it!


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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-30-2010 at 06:17 AM



Muchas Gracias Amiga

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[*] posted on 6-30-2010 at 06:20 AM

The Billfish Foudation and others are making great headway with Mexican authority by showing just how much money Mexico is losing because they have sold all their fish. It takes some guesstimating but it works.

If you take the known complaints, estimate those you don't know about, suppose that the vehicle stopped and shopped, you can make a guess about how much they would spend on gas/food/booze/ice/lodging, etc. Add that up, make sure it's in millions of pesos and push hard to show that the people of Constitucion are losing that money to the police action every day, every week, etc. It adds up fast because the cops get a shot at every vehicle coming down and going back up --- there's only one Highway 1.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-30-2010 at 06:40 AM

Good one Osprey! Money talks, B.S. walks!

I would estimate that I would spend between $100 - $350 if I were to spend two nights in the RV Park, eat out in town, hire a guide to take me fishing/whale watching and fill my vehicle with gas.

Using this conversion site
100.00 USD = 1,288.74 MXN
350.00 USD = 4,510.56 MXN

So conservatively speaking my two night stay in Ciudad Constitution would net business in that town between 1,288.74 - 4,510.56 pesos. That is serious money to lose to a small time thug who is hitting me up for 20% of what I might spend there.


How much do you think you would be spending for a night in Ciudad Constitution?

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