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Yes, there's a history of people logging on to Nomad asking for help finding missing family members.
I'm sure that a family with a missing loved one is stressed out.
Also, they're not active members on this Board and don't know us any more than we them.
Tensions can run high at times like this.
We don't know what's going on, but we're compelled to do what we think is the right thing given the facts we've been given. Nomads have always stepped
up, no matter what the circumstances of the disappearance and no matter the outcome. It's what we do.
"Raise your words, not your voice. It's rain that grows flowers, not thunder." ~Rumi
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Quote: | Originally posted by LVPatton
You also made it very clear you are important, busy and yes would charge $10,000
I don't believe this. Paste it up here so we don't have to question your credibility for anything else.....past or future.
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These folks are hurting and desperate, Just because they are not doing what we think they should or not does not give us the right to pile on. I think
the area we should be checking out is SQ to the boarder. I sounds like he was heading home. LVPatton I hope I have somebody like you when I'm MIA.
Goat please climb back under your rock, You've not gone south in how long?? You are a but thead!!!!! I am beginning to dream of a one track in
remote Baja. 
"Never teach a pig to sing it frustrates you and annoys the pig" - W.C.Fields
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This type of back-and-forth seems to happen with EVERY missing persons thread....some folks try to sincerely help....some accuse the "victim"....some
get off on their techno-gizmo tangents...and others just get weird.... 
Don't believe everything you think....
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Something seems very odd with this entire situation....
Marla Daily

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Actions speak louder than words!
Lizard Lips. You say your brother in law in Ensenada owns the largest tow facility in the city and is contracted by the Federal de Caminos (Mexican
Highway Patrol) to tow for them. You have told us you do not want to be paid. AS A NOMAD COURTESY, HAVE YOU CONTACTED HIM? Please let us know.
If it were my relative, I would use every tool available as fast as possible. And using a plane is simply one more tool—and a very efficient one. We
don't know from the family if money is a factor or not. There are private planes flying down the peninsula regularly. If they knew to be on the
lookout, many of them would be happy to go the extra mile to do so. Aeromedicos has 8-12 planes that go to Serenidad/Mulege and Cadeje/San Juanico
almost every month, for example. Their next trip is Oct. 18-20.
Gary Patton has been missing now for more than two weeks. By now it is safe to assume something unfortunate has happened to prevent him from
contacting his family.
We are driving to Loreto next Thursday and will do all we can to scout the roadside.
It would be nice to know exactly what the family has been able to do, to date.
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Mood: must be 5 O'clock somewhere in Baja
Quote: | Originally posted by Marla Daily
".......And using a plane is simply one more tool—and a very efficient one......... |
Marla....yes, an aircraft is a very efficient tool.........HOWEVER
You need the right type of aircraft, and you need a QUALIFIED pilot and observers/scanners that have flown SAR missions and know what they are doing.
The pilot HAS to keep his head in the c-ckpit and looking straight ahead. The observers/scanners are the ones who have to look.............and if you
are not trained, finding an object on the ground from a safe altitude is not easy.
I speak from 15 years as a current Civil Air Patrol member and also a qualifies Observer/Scanner.
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Quote: | Originally posted by motoged
This type of back-and-forth seems to happen with EVERY missing persons thread....some folks try to sincerely help....some accuse the "victim"....some
get off on their techno-gizmo tangents...and others just get weird.... 
That "blaming the victim" is endemic here in Utardia.....and the longer a situation like this goes on, the more convoluted it gets....I always hope
for a clean and quick resolution.....sorry to hear it hasn't happened.....still hold hope that it will....
Everbody\'s preachin\' at me that we all wanna git to heaven, trouble is, nobody wants to die to git there.-BB King
Reality is what does not go away when you stop believing in it. -Philip K Dick
Nothing is worse than active ignorance. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832, German writer, artist and politician)
When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I\'ve never tried before. - Mae West
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I for one found Lizard's post really informative; I wouldn't have thought to take those actions when looking for a missing person down there. Like
everyone else, I hope that Gary Patton is found in good shape (people do go down to Baja to get away from everything and hopefully that's the case
with him). I appreciate Lizard taking the time to post the information for the rest of us to consider if we're ever in this situation.
Marla Daily

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Baja Guy—
Although I am not trained in Search and Rescue operations, I will always believe in the power of SAR by plane and helicopter. In October 1987 my
brother was lost at sea 60 miles off shore on an urchin boat that sank at 6:30 in the evening. By the time family was notified the next morning, the
Coast Guard said there was no hope—that nothing more could be done. Regardless, I chartered a fish spotting plane (with dye markers); a twin Britten
Norman Islander, and a Bell Long Ranger helicopter, and all 3 were in the air by 10:00 A.M. armed with nothing but binoculars and hope. At exactly
noon, we (brother, sister and brother-in-law) in the separate planes found the flotsam of the vessel, along with two of the three who had been
aboard—alive and still treading water after 16-1/2 hours—including my brother. Green dye markers were thrown, and Coast Guard flew out a helicopter
for a water rescue, which we watched as we circled in the air. THAT was a good day!
Sometimes miracles need a little assistance. We all hope Gary Patton will be found.
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Searching all of northwestern Baja by plane would take weeks, cost many thousands of dollars, and would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. It
would make more sense if there was more than a vague idea of where he was headed. Seeing as how no one seems to know if this guy was heading north or
south when he was last seen, where would a plane search even start? Marla, in your brother's case, you at least had some idea as where his boat sunk,
this is a completely different situation.
[Edited on 9-21-2013 by monoloco]
"The future ain't what it used to be"
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The police n Abreojos are actively canvassing people, they even went out to Campo Rene. our friends who have been in C R have not seen Gary.
There is a lot of good information here, lets focus on the positive.
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Mood: there is no reality except the one contained within us "Herman Hesse"
Blanca...could you find out if he maybe participated in the Abreojos fishing tournament? Here all the entrants are on a list...any way to check that
list? I wonder if Manuel arrived in GN today as planned and if they are going out to Abre?
Marla Daily

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Soul Patch—You are absolutely correct. We did whatever was necessary when it meant even a remote chance of saving my brother's life. I didn't ask the
cost. As it turned out, all three air-participants were so happy with our successful mission, that none of the three: Aspen Helicopters, Channel
Islands Aviation, nor the private fish-spotter charged us—even for fuel.
I don't want to hijack this thread. My point in bringing up Aeromedicos, Baja Bush Pilots and Flying Sams, is that there are people who can help with
planes if they know Gary Patton is missing and may have gone off the road. It is an efficient use of available resources at no cost.
Lizard Lips made many extremely valuable suggestions as well. Not knowing is the worst part of an emotional ordeal like this.
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given the time passed, his age, and his being solo and planning to be in remote areas,... chances are he is incapacitated in the boonies. airsearch
is best option. air search along his probable route. perhaps car is just broken down? perhaps he/car are in a ravine along the road.
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Shari, good point. I will try to find out if he was in the tournament.
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It is not looking good unless he chose to disappear.
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Does the man have medical issues? Psychological aberrations perhaps? If we're trying to think like he thinks, that may be a problem.
I've asked this before and got nothing.
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It appears the concerned family/friends have withdrawn from participation here.
Absent of current news and developments, I suggest we do the same. This could deteriorate to a snipe hunt and we wouldn't know it.
Select Nomad
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As far as I know, he is of sound mind ... He does have some health issues, I am not sure what.
He did NOT fish in the Abreojos tournament.
His name has been sent to Red Cross.
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