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Author: Subject: Take It Easy: Growing Bamboo is So Easy Song

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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 04:57 PM
Take It Easy: Growing Bamboo is So Easy Song

Bamboo Growing in Baja California Is So Easy,
Take It Easy, Take It Easy

[Edited on 8-9-2005 by friendsfamilyofrmac]
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lol.gif posted on 8-8-2005 at 05:15 PM
Is it by any chance

mushroom season in Canada right now?
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Bruce R Leech
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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 06:46 PM


I don't get it:?::?::?::?::?::?:

Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 06:48 PM


Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 07:25 PM

hey, where's the busted arm. I want accuracy dagnabit!!!

a man with new strength from near death???

Watch what kinda logs you use for your new "Log Cabin" Randy. You ol' patriot!
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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 08:52 PM
Hey's pig waste

Why the hell does some folks here, poke fun at your bamboo venture(s)? This has been so since I?ve come across the forums a few years ago. What?s the story with this ongoing saga of thrasher words? I think some Newbies here (worms) should mind their own business? friendly to all?regardless. It?s no wonder that this forum has heated conflicts with posters like this. ?This Jr guy will probably blow his top at all this but who cares??I do! And since you are a Newbie (you, friendsfamilyofrmac) (worm)?how come you seem to know so much about jbaja? Sounds like yeah stirring the pig waste here bud! I hope your future postings are more positive.

Oh?welcome to the forums friendsfamilyofrmac!

What control freaks there are here. Don\'t believe that post you just read!
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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 09:00 PM
Huckleberries & mushrooms

ditto, methinks Randys' near-death experience has hightened his patriotic spirit.


What a rendition....

If Randy wrote those lyrics, which I wonder.....Hope those trees for your new log cabin Randy are "politically correct" and located "sensibly" :lol::lol::lol:

S hould have let Randy post his own flame, donchathink
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lol.gif posted on 8-8-2005 at 09:14 PM
They're just canadians

so I give them a lot more leeway!:lol: Just like driving in Baja!:no:

That didn't sound like the Randy I remember either but heck, curioser and curioser said Alice!!!

Nice to know that my projects are worth so much (or little) of someone elses time.:light:
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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 11:16 PM


Randy has always spoken highly of you and others so why he asked me to post something like this other than to poke some fun at you as he said he was doing is beyond me. After finally reading all the lyrics it is a little harsh and not the norm for what my brother usually does for humouring and poking fun at others. I deleted it and left the cartoon.

We do have a different sense of humour up here in Canada and knowing my brother I do not think it is politically or culturally or personally motivated. Canadians are mostly stand up people and we tend to joke alot with make fun of each other and at times and we are known to take things too far. If people are offended we look people right in the eyes if we have something to say that we feel should be said. Randy is no exception as he usually stands up for the underdogs and from what I know of him Randy tries to make people smile before he would ever intend to hurt anyone intentionally. If he did this on purpose with intention to hurt you it is would seem real strange and out of character for him. Especially to me. He is usually always trying to make people smile.

There are no excuses but he did go through alot this past few months and maybe it was not his intention to be so rough on you. I'm not to familiar with what the parody was intending so I'll ask him when he comes back from hiking for berries on Kelly Mountain in a day or two. He won't carry a cell phone so I will have to wait. I can assure you he was intending to have some fun with you and if it went off base and was too harsh and ofended you I'm sure he will apologize to you himself when he returns. We have been very concerned of his health for many months as he did get his mind and brain scrambled this past spring from mushroom food poisoning in Europe and he has definitely not fully recovered yet. It's been a difficult time but he never seemed to imply that he was in any way wanting this posted to directly or intentionally hurt or enrage you. He said he wanted it posted to humour you as you are a rough around the edges type guy. Everyone can make mistakes - Randy is no exception. If I make any mistakes I apologize directly. I expect no less from my younger brothers.

I for one think bamboo has it's many uses however it can get out of control and cause environmental problems. I very much enjoyed his Bamboozeville Poster of you where you are bending down with all the bamboo plants. This song parody is not his normal humour, thats for sure. He'll have to explain it to you cause I am lost for a reason other than he was intending to poke some fun at you as he said.

Our area has had some issues with many imported transplanted foreign species getting out of control. I'm sure you are careful of this concern if you grow bamboo. So I don't think it was angled directly at you. If I read it right it can be taken many ways.

I never had time to read the lyrics and nor did it matter much to me until I read it after the comments. I only did what he asked of me because he said he could not log on with his RandyMacSCSo screen name this past weekend. I do read many things on this message board and have only used this screen name to post an update to his friends a few months back to give an update on his health as some pople were concerned about him. I should have read the parody song first and then considered the impact before posting it. I only read the first verse and then laughed at the cartoon and posted. My apology to you if you where offended by my posting his parody song and cartoon message. It's not beneath any Canadian or me or my brother to apologise even if it was not me intending to do anything but post a message for my brother. No conspiracy here. Just a message gone wrong. So I deleted it so no further flaming is necessary.

I will take this time to apologise for my brother as I know he never intends to hurt anyone purposely. He did say he was only intending poking fun at you when he asked me to post it for him yesterday before he left. He would have done it himself but said he could not log on to this message site for some reason. I never got around to posting it until today. I should have waited to let him post it himself using this screen name and then he could respond personally. I do not think so but it is possible that I could have posted the wrong parody song text file. There are a few parodies and so many files and cartoons on this computer. What I do know is the cartoon is the intended cartoon. If it was in any way my mistake posting the wrong parody file accept my apology before he returns. I've never known him to get outright mean to anyone but maybe he didn't consider that you would get all bent up about it. Based on your follow up post I thought you took it in stride and if I read it right you seemed to take a little fun shot back at him and he would laugh out loud at the mushroom stuff.

FYI I do feel that this message board needs to tone down and chill out on the harsh back and forth bashing as suggested by the Irishman. Just my 2 cents worth. I'll let Randy know what transpired tonight when he gets home from his hike and if he can't log on with his own screen name I'll give him this screen name and password to use so he can post any follow up messages. If you are really offended I am sure he will personally apologise to you as he does like you regardless of your bent on things Baja related.

Lets face it, all the back and forth events that have gone on for the better part of two years since I have been frequenting this place is not good for most people. But that's why it is interactive. I come here to read stories that Randy posted and also to read and see the many stories and good Baja related information that other message posted put here to learn of Baja. Most is valuable but some of it including my brother's spring time way out there posts where a little much for most newbies including myself.

Any shots or humour that I will make or take at my neighbors to the south will be done in person. I have broad shoulders and I have a sense of humour to take it and dish it out with the best of them. I won't stroke out at anything. Our Canadian sense of humour is usually only in fun to poke a stick at North Americas sometimes tense life related ups and downs. I can't draw stick men to save my soul and nor do I make up parodies so you must know that it is a creation of my creative brothers mind.

I do read many things on this message board and from what I have read before and today it appears that more humour is needed on this board and less direct the typical "I'm Holy and smarter than thou about Baja California" bashing that causes aggrevation to some.

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[*] posted on 8-8-2005 at 11:50 PM
Well now I'm really confused?


friendsfamilyofrmac said:

"FYI I do feel that this message board needs to tone down and chill out on the harsh back and forth bashing as suggested by the Irishman. Just my 2 cents worth.

Lets face it, all the back and forth events that have gone on for the better part of two years since I have been frequenting this place is not good for most people. But that's why it is interactive.

Any shots or humour that I will make or take at my neighbors to the south will be done in person. I have broad shoulders and I have a sense of humour to take it and dish it out with the best of them. I won't stroke out at anything.

I do read many things on this message board and from what I have read before and today it appears that more humour is needed on this board and less direct the typical "I'm Holy and smarter than thou about Baja California" bashing that causes aggrevation to some.

And I found his parody one of the most offensive posts I have ever read and you should leave it up so people know what the hell I am talkin about.

If you are going to post flaming songs others wrote about a Nomad without reading them yourself than I understand your reluctance to "join in" instead of lurking.
When you delete a message it means everyone elses messages mean squat. Get it?
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 07:11 AM

I think Anon finely got registered:light:

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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 08:58 AM

No offense, but I wonder if Randy Mac has split--like in two different people in one skull. Just go back and look at some of his other stuff.
One heck of an artist but I never could really appreciate his ramblings.

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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 09:08 AM
Oh, come on you guys

I dish it out plenty to the chicken coop group/P-nche gringos. I expect to get it back every once in a while.
I am sorry to see that this post went the way of most ccg postings though, altered or deleted when they realize how stupid they look.
The song was so far off base as far as what it was saying that I found it humorous rather than offensive. And by the way, knowing the gneral mentality on here, there is very little that could be said on here that would truly upset me other than tourists trying to pretend they are Baja gurus.
And even that only makes for some fun "discussions".:lol:
I think that some take this stuff way to seriously. But then again, who gives a chit!
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:30 PM
THIS FORUM IS EDITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out folks! I had responded twice here in this post, the second being rather a buttchewing post...but no bad words or threats. AND GUESS WHAT?!!!! IT HAS BEEN DELETED.

The friendsfamilyofrmac idiot song was deleted, with an second post explaining this action.

friendsfamilyofrmac posted on 8-8-2005 at 10:16 PM
post was edited originally said that yankeeirishman had a good point (about starting trouble)

So jrbaja is right.....these guys are editing as they feel the need. I shall here on out, copy all posts I do (and theirs), then plastered the living hell of this forum with anything of my that gets edited for their needs. Good luck next time ol boy!

What control freaks there are here. Don\'t believe that post you just read!
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:39 PM
That's how MeNo got booted

so let them delete away Yankee. The ccg group is alive and sick!:lol:
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by jrbaja
so let them delete away Yankee. The ccg group is alive and sick!:lol:

Certainly no loss to get booted from here. What good is this forum if my responses are being edited?! CCG is indeed a real thing....I have been convince of this after what happened today! I shall pound away from here on out about the CCG's, just like you do. I am shocked that this is being done here. I guess that cancer I talked about is the select group here, that is monitoring, editing, and God knows what else to these forums.

Slowly...will the mass here.....catch on to this crapola. I did today!

BTW friendsfamilyofrmac posted on 8-8-2005 at 10:16 PM shows no editing command. That is incorrect. This post was indeed edited.

Someone is fooling with the remote control!

What control freaks there are here. Don\'t believe that post you just read!
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Bruce R Leech
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:54 PM

[Edited on 8-9-2005 by Anonymous]

Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja

friendsfamilyofrmac said:

"FYI I do feel that this message board needs to tone down and chill out on the harsh back and forth bashing as suggested by the Irishman. Just my 2 cents worth.

Lets face it, all the back and forth events that have gone on for the better part of two years since I have been frequenting this place is not good for most people. But that's why it is interactive.

Any shots or humour that I will make or take at my neighbors to the south will be done in person. I have broad shoulders and I have a sense of humour to take it and dish it out with the best of them. I won't stroke out at anything.

I do read many things on this message board and from what I have read before and today it appears that more humour is needed on this board and less direct the typical "I'm Holy and smarter than thou about Baja California" bashing that causes aggrevation to some.

And I found his parody one of the most offensive posts I have ever read and you should leave it up so people know what the hell I am talkin about.

If you are going to post flaming songs others wrote about a Nomad without reading them yourself than I understand your reluctance to "join in" instead of lurking.
When you delete a message it means everyone elses messages mean squat. Get it?

[Edited on 8-9-2005 by Anonymous]

Bruce R Leech

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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 04:56 PM
I can't believe

some didn't believe me in the first place! What the heck would I make that up for. Because I want to make friends, have supporters:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I say this is just a good way to weed through before having to decide whether you want people as friends in person.:light:

The plasticity just shines through for many of the posters here. I have made some really good friends with the rest!
And you can rest assured that the u2u's are very active today. You can usually tell when those of the coop group that seldom post anything mysteriosly show up!:lol:
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[*] posted on 8-9-2005 at 05:24 PM
Oh gee wheeze!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by jrbaja
some didn't believe me in the first place! What the heck would I make that up for. Because I want to make friends, have supporters:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I say this is just a good way to weed through before having to decide whether you want people as friends in person.:light:

The plasticity just shines through for many of the posters here. I have made some really good friends with the rest!
And you can rest assured that the u2u's are very active today. You can usually tell when those of the coop group that seldom post anything mysteriosly show up!:lol:

Funny..I have a small following of friends here that we u2u each other. It just got BIGGER. In the last ten minutes since I've posted my protest about CCG editing u2u light up like an Xmas tree! jrbaja...the believers are massing.

I ask all here at the forums, to copy the post you are responding to, as well as the post you are entering. Help stop the editing! This is insane action to swap away postings that do not have threats or bad words to them.

What control freaks there are here. Don\'t believe that post you just read!
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