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Author: Subject: Distance between El Arco and BOLA
Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 11:42 AM
Distance between El Arco and BOLA

Anyone know the distance between BOLA and El Arco going the coastal route past El Barril and San Francisquito?

If I am unable to get a ride between San Borja and Santa Gertrudis I might bring a small motorcycle and ride it.

I have done the drive 2 times but did not pay attention to the distance.
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David K
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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 12:42 PM

On maps and in road logs.

It is 70 miles from L.A. Bay town to the San Francisquito-El Arco road. It is 35 miles from there to El Arco. For a total of 105 miles.

However if you are going to Mission Santa Gertrudis from L.A. Bay, you do NOT need to go through El Arco. Take the left fork, 1.7 miles past Rancho Piedra Blanca (popular with m/c riders) and go south 12 miles to the El Arco-Santa Gertrudis road, turn left and in 11 miles you are at the mission. L.A. Bay to the mission is 111 miles.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 02:48 PM

I drove that 12 mile stretch five weeks ago heading north. It was in fair condition most of the way, but narrow, steep and rocky going over the ridge line between the two arroyos.

I was driving an Isuzu Trooper with stock tires and suspension, and did not really need 4x4, but did use low range briefly in some of the steeper parts.

The road does not appear to me to get much use. A solo rider with any problem would likely be on their own for quite a while.

If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!

"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 03:04 PM
While I am at it......

I also drove the road that connects San Borja to Mex 1 and the Bahia de Los Angeles. It is definitely more well used than the other road I mentioned, and it is even part of the Baja Divide bicycle route.

There were some soft spots and washboard in a few places, and about ten miles of pretty rocky road on the east side of the route, but I never saw a need for 4x4 or low range.

I caught the route during rush hour! No kidding, there was a huge walking event that weekend, and I probably encountered 75 to 100 hikers along with support vehicles headed east while I drove west. I wore out my arm waving to folks, and my dog wore out stubby tail!

[Edited on 1-15-2022 by AKgringo]

If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!

"Could do better if he tried!" Report card comments from most of my grade school teachers. Sadly, still true!
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Senior Nomad

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[*] posted on 1-15-2022 at 04:58 PM

I was thinking it was doable just concerned about the distance... would have to carry gas to do that 111 miles...

Just weighing out my options right now...
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