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You trying to make some point, RFClark? Posting photos of flooded areas when someone talks about drought as a result of man-made climate change, or
photos of some dry area when someone talks about all the floods is absurd.
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I think that “The King is a little $hort” covers it if you don’t follow the Wizard of Id that might not mean much to you.

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What is more than obvious is that the term obesity needs to refer to more than body weight.
Obesity of the mind may not, is not, diagnosable, but it sure appears to be rampant among some posters.
If such a thought upsets you, you need to look deep into a mirror.
Wait for it my fellow Baja loving Nomads, the very ones who could use some self reflection will rail against such a proposal of looking inside
themselves for much needed clarity that many current and former Nomads who have checked out because of some members mostly political intransigence go
unchecked. Off topic never seems to be used as much as it should.
All that being said, I know we all love Baja and its people. Some show this love in their own way. Others not so much, or at all.
While peace, love, and fish tacos is a simple thought that we all can appreciate, I cannot help but hope for more from all the years and decades that
some have been on this forum.
Hope springs eternal for all of us Baja lovers to align in some way that eludes us now. We have much n common and so little in opposition in the grand
scheme of each of our own relationships with Baja. Peace out.
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The first step down that road is to stop hating your fellow Nomads because they have opinions and beliefs different than yours.
Elite Nomad
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Hating? Feeling dismayed about how many people have opinions and beliefs which are hell-bent on denying reality and make it clear they care about
nothing that doesn't negatively affect them directly has nothing to do with "hating" them.
Ultra Nomad
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Quote: Originally posted by surabi  | Hating? Feeling dismayed about how many people have opinions and beliefs which are hell-bent on denying reality and make it clear they care about
nothing that doesn't negatively affect them directly has nothing to do with "hating" them. |
surabi- You may have missed the point.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Junior Nomad
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"Hate speech is inevitably defined by those who hate speech"
Dr. Jordan Peterson
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No it isn't. That's an absurd statement. Petersen is just another climate change denier (among his other right wing and misogynistic views) with fancy
credentials. He has a degree in psychology, not climate science.
And that quote was made in response to a hate speech bill in Canada that he claimed would make it illegal not to use a person's preferred pronoun,
which was false.
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I apologize RF if you found hate in my sentiment. It was not my intention.
I try not to hate anything or anyone. That is a rot that festers dis-ease and disease, and I want nothing of that my life.
My sentimentality for days passed when Nomad was free for the most part from the scourge of politics that we get in our daily lives already means
little these days, as some prove all too often.
You came here a few years after I did and at that time, the lid was off and the Nomad some of us knew and appreciated was morphed into some expressing
their political leanings.
I am not really surprised and knew some would take offense at my innocent recollections of past times on a mostly political free Nomad. Hateful?
Thanks for spelling my sign in correctly this time. I have noticed you do that sometimes for posters and it is not accidental. Get your dig in if it
makes you feel better. I can take it. So can the others on this forum. It says more about you than anything I can express or have the desire to
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You are not a part of the problem!
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Bill Gates gets real about climate change: Planting trees is ‘complete nonsense’ but the end of the oil and gas era is finally in
“...ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” “My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America
will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
Prefered gender pronoun: the royal we
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Quote: Originally posted by Tioloco  | Quote: Originally posted by surabi  | Hating? Feeling dismayed about how many people have opinions and beliefs which are hell-bent on denying reality and make it clear they care about
nothing that doesn't negatively affect them directly has nothing to do with "hating" them. |
surabi- You may have missed the point.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday! |
I think she MADE the point
Ultra Nomad
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Surabi, you've made an excellent point ...
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The problem is the “solutions” you beat everyone over the head with won’t solve the problem. In fact, if the US went to “0 emissions”
tomorrow it wouldn’t even slow down the rate of change.
The hate however is real you can see it right here in the cheap shots and name calling that is meant to hurt people and their families.
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"rate of change"? Rate of change of what?
If you mean it wouldn't make any change to the greenhouse effect that CO2 causes, I bet you're wrong. The US produces about 15% of the worldwide CO2
"The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2019, the United States emitted 5,130 million metric tons of energy-related carbon
dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 33,621.5 million metric tons."
5130/33621 = 15.3%
Also, what's your point? Are you suggesting that we should do nothing to reduce carbon dioxide emissions?
[Edited on 9-24-2023 by SFandH]
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RFC fancies himself a climate change scientist, it seems. And while the real scientists usually make predictions, based upon available information,
and don't present something as fact that hasn't been proven to be so, RFC apparently is privy to info no one else is, and knows for a fact that
nothing we do will make any difference.
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Somehow floating around in one's own private pool all day just doesn't come across as a sacrifice.
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Quote: Originally posted by surfhat  |
The palm tree in the Bay of Concepcion and high tides in Del Mar are irrelative. The polar regions already are suffering. Some of the Pacific
islands are suffering.
...I suggest considering more than your selves or your lifestyle as it relates to future generations and the condition of the planet you are leaving
them to deal with.
The man-made climate change deniers and the "Yes, the climate is changing but nothing we do can affect that" folks don't care about others who are
suffering from climate change now, let alone future generations.
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Engineer, not a Scientist!
It doesn't require a degree to know that a 14% reduction won’t solve the problem. Especially when those responsible for more than 50% of the
pollution aren’t even trying to reduce their output and then there’s Methane emissions where the numbers are even worse.
There are an estimated 1.5 Billion cows world wide, about 37 million of which are located in the US or less than 3%.
Top 10 CO2 polluters
However, most of this pollution comes from just a few countries: China, for example, generates around 30% of all global emissions, while the United
States is responsible for almost 14%.In the ranking below you can find the 10 countries that produce the most emissions, measured in millions of tons
of CO2 in 2019.
China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.
United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2
India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2
Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2
Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2
Germany, 759 million tons of CO2
Iran, 720 million tons of CO2
South Korea, 659 million tons of CO2
Saudi Arabia, 621 million tons of CO2
Indonesia, 615 million tons of CO2
Elite Nomad
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I guess you engineers don't understand the concept that lessening a problem by 14% is preferable to doing nothing. Nor do you seem to understand that
the more countries that lead by example, it makes other countries look bad on the world stage, puts pressure on them to follow suit and they will
eventually get onboard.
And China's emission levels are due to all the products manufactured for world distribution, not for the Chinese. Their emission levels would go down
if the rest if the world stopped buying made in China crap.
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