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Author: Subject: Costco Mexico Auto Insurance
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-8-2013 at 04:54 PM

Selling pickles? FYI: I'll be making B&B pickles this week..lotsa small pepinos in town...Pickles will be uninsured

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-8-2013 at 04:55 PM
Good point

Originally posted by sancho
Originally posted by Bob and Susan
also remember Costco vagabundos lewis and lewis and Bajabound are NOT insurance companies

I have the belief that the Mex Ins Co is FAR more important
than the US Broker, they pay the claim not the Broker.
An item that has been brought up, as of last Jan 1, the
payout in the event of an at fault traffic dearh has risen
in Mex, the Mex states have somewhat different limits,
Bajabound recommends to get the max of $500,000 libility,
maybe overkill, however one of the San Diego brokers said they
remember only 1 incident of one of their policy holders
having been at fault in such an accident, but I can think
of little worse than come up short on coverage

This thread began talking about the cost of insurance. And the simple fact is that it is the insurance carriers that control their coverage and cost.

A point was made about having brokers who "influence" the carriers. That only goes so far. And, at the end of the day, it is still the Mexican Insurance companies that set rates and settle claims.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-8-2013 at 09:17 PM

DavidE definitely watch out for dehydrstion or low sugar, it is the primary cause of mental crashing!
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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 10:48 AM
Speaking From Experience Are We?

Originally posted by willardguy
I wouldn't fret david, after a couple of hours of non stop yarn spinning, you'd be on the street!:lol:

Keep it up, you're making my day :)

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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 11:10 AM

DavidE and MMc,
At this point, what is of interest to me is, which, in your opinion and based on your observations, which insurance brokers provide the policies, best broker follow up, and fast/timely attention with the requisite adjusters and abogados being launched onto the situation?

DavidE, I believe that your assessment is real and most likely generally correct, so, with that as the premise, which brokers might you recommend based on your experience and observations?

MMc, you mentioned Discover Baja and Bajabound. I have read in past posts glowing reviews by nomads of Lewis and Lewis. I have Lewis and Lewis, I used to be with Discover Baja.

The apprehension I have is that the Lewis and Lewis insurance co is Qualitas which, in the past, has been criticized by nomads as a carrier much more concerned with getting out of paying a claim than settling it. I called Lewis and Lewis and they gave me verbal assertions/assurances that their experience with Qualitas has been very good and that they (Lewis and Lewis) actively stay on and follow through with Qualitas to make sure that their inusured's claim are resolved in a timely and proper fashion.

Is there any corroboration out there in nomadland about Lewis and Lewis, and, Qualitas on this?

[Edited on 8-9-2013 by MitchMan]
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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 11:45 AM

Another common carrier her is MAPFRE TEPEYAC. I've seen their response in action and it was good. [this is not a recommendation. Only an observation]


[Edited on 8-9-2013 by DENNIS]
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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 11:52 AM

Personally IMHO, I like what Jim Lewis says. He is a realist and not a blah-blah surplus line borker policy hawk like some others. I checked with one of his insured that had real problems in Baja California, and they replied that Lewis remained in constant contact with the Mexican insurance company in Tijuana (like every couple of hours) by telephone to get his insured released as fast as possible.

I am not a spokesperson for Lewis & Lewis but I am convinced this is how a surplus line broker should treat their customers. Like a performance standard.

Being hauled into a Police Station is scary. When they tell you you can NOT go to an ATM it gets worse. Unless you speak very fluent Spanish the barrage of language is intimidating. Suddenly you may be lead to a cell. CLANK! It isn't funny. Different Ministerios Publicos treat drivers involved in serious accidents differently. Some are more lenient than others. I don't want to find out the hard way which is which.

Some cops are more honest than others. If a driver should encounter a real creep, and the representative of the Ministerio Publico is similarly interested solely in "Milking The Cow" a driver can be in for a hell of a nightmare.

Let's say a driver gets involved in a serious choque. Lots of property damage, personal injury and perhaps a fatality. The driver can go to jail until the Ministerio Publico makes up the paperwork. After a day or two in jail, the driver is moved to a PRISON. Yeah one of those huge enclosures with the guard towers on the corners. And no this isn't a one-in-a-hundred chance. You can damned near count on being transferred to a prison whether you are "guilty" or not. Only a fool will think this cannot happen.

In a major accident, hurt or not, DEMAND to go to the hospital. Back injury, whatever. Fake it. Cannot support your own weight. Have to crawl. Whatever. LIE LIKE HELL! Avoid prison.

Pray that you have an aggressive adjuster and surplus line broker. When you run out of bullets in the hospital they haul you to a cell. Wanna play Russian Roulette that you have a real jerk of a Ministerio Publico after you? They are not noted for being honest. They are going to MILK the situation and they are experts. The only thing that gets his attention is your insurance company LAWYER, screaming and waving a check book. If your lawyer isn't there you are SCREWED, bro'. The process for resolving an administrative fine is complex. If you are made of money AND HAVE SOME WAY OF GETTING A BUDDY TO BRING IT TO THE MINISTERIO PUBLICO, you can take it in the shorts and get a Get Out Of Jail (not free) Card. Local abogados are just as bad as the District Attorney, they are in it to milk the cow until it shrivels like a raisin.

I am not any kind of "expert" in knowing which insurance companies may be the best and 2nd best and so on. What I do know is if whatever insurance company and surplus line broker chosen is lazy or lackadaisical, you are in for a trip deeper into Mexico than you'd ever wish to go.

SETTLEMENTS often take many weeks or many months to happen. Having a million dollar policy is USELESS to me if I remain in prison for those months while the Insurance company haggles out a settlement. The instant money to get released is provided by a general fund amongst USA surplus line brokers. It is NOT money from the Mexican insurance company or the attorney or the adjuster.

Do You Feel Lucky?

I Don't.

I STRONGLY suggest a person contact a surplus line broker to verify what I have written above. Don't settle for hyperbole. If you get a song & dance check with Lewis and Lewis. They will not steer you wrong.

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by MitchMan
The apprehension I have is that the Lewis and Lewis insurance co is Qualitas which, in the past, has been criticized by nomads as a carrier much more concerned with getting out of paying a claim than settling it [Edited on 8-9-2013 by MitchMan]

I have that nagging opinion also, no real list of negatives
re: Qualitis, just posts SUGGESTING things don't always
go as advertised when someone has a claim against
Qualitis. And as DE points out, the Kitto accident on
Fred's website, for anyone that has never read it
your missing a thrller, similiar to the movie about the
guy escaping the Turkish prison, Kitto at the
time of his release, was being processed to enter the
prison east of Ensenada, due to the fact a representive/
adjuster/ Legal Aid from his Mex Ins Co, had not made
an appareance to satisfy the Mex Authorities
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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 12:44 PM

I thought this discussion was focusing on HOW the Surplus Line Broker works with the Mexican Insurance Company. Kitto according to Vagabundos and Lewis did NOT have anything other than basic liability coverage. This is the key. That "missing" legal aid package. It allows the adjuster to step in right away and get the accused released on bond.

"I have a quintillion peso quadruple mega amplified policy" is laughed at by the authorities. Until they and the plaintiff sees stacks of dead Mexican heroes on the table before them, the defendant and his pleas falls on DEAF ears.

Want to lose a hundred pounds? Dine on the diet inside a Mexican prison. Ninety percent of the inmates have family bring them food daily.

Want to make a Surplus Line Broker Stutter?

"If I am guilty in a serious accident will you provide to me a WRITTEN GUARANTEE that I will be released from jail within 5 days?"

Being released early has ZERO to do with the Mexican Insurance Company. It is all due to and based upon the SPEED of your Surplus line broker's attorney coming to the rescue. With the SURPLUS LINE BROKER'S MONEY not the insurance company's.

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Super Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 12:46 PM

My personal experience with insurance is Limited I have always had it and luckily haven't used it much. I do remember when I had my first car my father specified as a condition of purchasing that vehicle I get insurance. the first and only time I used the insurance they canceled the policy. this made my father so mad he canceled his policy. The agent was a fellow church member and family friend. the point I am trying to make is I don't think there is a lot of difference in Company's it's if the Agency that sold you the policy doesn't stand behind you. you don't have very good protection.
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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 01:07 PM

I have not had to file a claim yet on my Mex Driver License Policy. I went with Bajabound because if I ever do have a claim the first person I will probably call is Geoff. Now if I'm in jail then I will call Geoff at a later time, and my first call will be to BajaButch to bring a very big stack of money down and get me out.

DavidE you seem to know of what you write and I agree 100%. Money talks Loud and Clear !!!
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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 01:23 PM

Yeah being an eyewitness to what happens sorta takes the bloom off the rose of ignorant bliss. Speaking Spanish elected me to involuntarily step forward those times I pitched in and went to bat for hapless tourists. Because of my health I cannot do it anymore. Screaming at a Surplus Line Broker via a caseta de larga distancia

"Are You Stupid?"

is now out of the question.

In my opinion the Mexican adjusters are getting a lot better and getting way faster. But Mexican iron bars are every bit as scary. U.S. Consulates? Oh gimmee a break. "Give me an hour or so and I'll come up with a list of recommended attorneys. Click"

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[*] posted on 8-9-2013 at 03:45 PM

Mitchman, We have used both and not made a claim. Mostly they are used so family "feels" comfortable that they have a American company that they can call. Lewis & Lewis would also fit my bill. The legal option also always purchased. I don't mind paying extra for the services as when I need them, I really need them. Baja Bound and Discover have always been very good when I have purchased and they are well mentioned on the boards. Who would you call at Costco? Just staying inside a comfort zone.

[Edited on 8-9-2013 by MMc]

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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 10:02 AM

MMc, full and complete agreement from me. If the surplus line broker "goes to bat" for the insured, that is so important. Again, in a serious accident, "Liability Only (minus the legal assistance option) is near useless.

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Ultra Nomad


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[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 10:15 AM

I think the point has been made, get the legal assis rider. I doubt many here opt not to get it. Then I could be wrong on that.


Personal note on Lewis and Lewis.

A few years ago I was price checking against Discover Baja and called Lewis and Lewis, I spent all day calling without a call back. Rightly or wrongly, came to the conclusion if they can't even be responsive to sell their product, what can I expect from them in servicing it. We have stayed with Discover Baja, though we have never had a claim.

[Edited on 8-10-2013 by tripledigitken]
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by chuckie
Selling pickles? FYI: I'll be making B&B pickles this week..lotsa small pepinos in town...Pickles will be uninsured

Good idea, a roadside tienda selling pickles, can I get
a legal aid rider with my 2 kilos? My experience is that
for the last many yrs., in MOST cases, the legal aid comes
with the Mex Ins Policy, you can hardly get one without
it, there are so few cases, like nada, reported on with
dealings with the Mex System re: Mex Auto Ins incident
outcomes, it is hard to get a handle on waht actually
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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 01:12 PM

Wanna handle? Check with a US consular office? They visit the incarcerated. Finally after too many years Surplus Line Brokers are demanding policies have automatic legal aid.

Chuckie needs a pickle. Anyone care to give Chuckie a pickle? Sounds like he's desperate.

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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by MMc
. Who would you call at Costco?

[Edited on 8-9-2013 by MMc]
Qualitas was the underwriter when I had the insurance from Costco. I hit a cow between Pescadero and CSL, when I got back to Pescadero, I called the number on the policy and an adjuster came out to my home within an hour. It couldn't have been any easier.

"The future ain't what it used to be"
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by monoloco
Originally posted by MMc
. Who would you call at Costco?

[Edited on 8-9-2013 by MMc]
Qualitas was the underwriter when I had the insurance from Costco. I hit a cow between Pescadero and CSL, when I got back to Pescadero, I called the number on the policy and an adjuster came out to my home within an hour. It couldn't have been any easier.
what was the outcome? does the insurance company pay for the cow?
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Ultra Nomad

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Mood: 'At home we demand facts and get them. In Mexico one subsists on rumor and never demands anything.' Charles Flandrau,

[*] posted on 8-10-2013 at 02:25 PM

I wish getting medical accident insurance was that easy.

Having a list with telephone numbers and city of residence of company adjusters would be a bonus for an auto policy. Maybe not very up to date but better than nothing.

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Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262