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Folder Announcements  
General Announcements from Administrators/Moderators, including information for first time visitors to this website.
75 1376
7-6-2023 at 05:01 AM
by BajaNomad
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Folder Baja Questions & Answers  
Looking for a recommendation, or have a Baja California-related question - please post here.
16455 240932
2-6-2025 at 03:59 PM
by 4x4abc
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Folder General Baja Discussion  
This is the area for general discussion not covered in the topics above and below. For Baja-related questions or recommendations - please use the Q & A forum above.
18276 301903
2-6-2025 at 03:26 PM
by David K
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Folder Baja News  
Recent non-political news items directly pertaining to Baja California. Threads begun anonymously over political issues may be removed.
6096 83761
1-30-2025 at 04:07 PM
by David K
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Folder Baja Trip Reports  
Just got back from Baja and have a detailed trip report? Post it here!
2718 44404
2-6-2025 at 02:45 PM
by David K
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Folder Baja Travel Articles  
Articles pertaining to travel on the peninsula of Baja California.
687 4442
1-18-2025 at 05:26 PM
by David K
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Folder Baja Photo & Video Gallery  
Got photos or videos to show off? Here's the place.
4496 53509
1-5-2025 at 09:50 AM
by David K
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Folder Baja Road Conditions  
Reports of Road Conditions, Construction, etc.
1242 16774
2-4-2025 at 06:00 AM
by SFandH
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Folder Baja Shared Travel, Ride-Alongs, Convoys  
Need a ride, rider, or want to arrange a travel convoy with others? Seeking other transportation assistance? Post your request here.
777 5695
10-16-2024 at 07:42 AM
by mtgoat666
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Folder Baja Political Forum  
For discussion of political issues directly affecting the peninsula.
799 15965
12-31-1969 at 05:00 PM
by Skeet/Loreto
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Folder BajaNomad Site Support  
Please use this forum if you need help or assistance with the site. Also, if you have any site comments, suggestions, or other issues - this is the place to post.
782 10899
3-23-2024 at 11:07 AM
by geoffff
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Folder Non-Baja Vacation Trip Reports  
For board members to share trip reports from non-Baja vacation destinations.
1102 15345
12-30-2024 at 11:26 AM
by elgatoloco
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Folder OFF-TOPIC  
Time-limited non-Baja-related discussions. Not for the faint-of-heart. 98% of complaints about this site are in regards to what is seen by people after CHOOSING to unlock and view this forum. Stay out unless you can deal with it. You have been warned. To logout of OT, logout of BN - and then login again. Forum password: over18
12720 142483
2-6-2025 at 04:03 PM
by mtgoat666
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Folder Baja Restaurant Reviews  
For Baja restaurant reviews. Tell us about your experience.
943 11124
11-13-2024 at 06:26 PM
by jwheel1970
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Folder Baja Accommodation Reviews  
For Baja accommodation reviews - be it a resort, B&B, hotel, motel, yurt, or campsite. Tell us about your experience.
314 4746
10-20-2023 at 03:49 PM
by bajalinda
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Special Correspondents
Folder Baja Looking Back  
Stories from Bernie Swaim, author of "Think You Know Baja?," "Bouncing Around Baja," and "Mi Baja; No Hurry No Worry."
74 552
4-15-2013 at 07:05 PM
by KurtG
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Baja Special Interest Discussion Forums
Folder Baja Fishing & Hunting  
3779 39177
10-9-2024 at 09:40 AM
by shari
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Folder Baja Off-Roading  
2361 34618
1-8-2025 at 07:31 PM
by bajatrailrider
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Folder Baja Home Building & Living  
Improving your Casa Baja
791 11572
7-30-2024 at 02:32 PM
by mooredb
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Folder Baja Recipes  
Have a recipe? Have a request? This is the place!
621 7150
10-16-2024 at 05:07 PM
by BooJumMan
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Folder Baja Historic Interests & Literature  
Natural History - Missions - Rock Art - Books - Maps
850 10210
2-3-2025 at 06:37 PM
by David K
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Folder Spanish Language  
If you have questions or comments pertaining to using the Spanish Language.
610 4354
1-9-2025 at 07:34 AM
by pauldavidmena
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Folder Baja Surfing  
286 3191
9-9-2022 at 03:56 PM
by bajajoaquin
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Folder Baja Private Aircraft Travel  
220 2729
6-24-2024 at 08:40 AM
by pacificobob
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Folder Baja Camping  
184 2937
1-10-2023 at 08:49 PM
by mtgoat666
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Folder Baja Whale Watching  
217 2103
1-6-2022 at 10:36 AM
by wilderone
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Folder Baja Hiking & Backpacking  
94 1382
12-16-2024 at 11:19 AM
by HeyMulegeScott
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Folder Baja Diving & Snorkeling  
142 1044
1-26-2024 at 02:58 PM
by David K
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Folder Baja Windsurfing & Kayaking  
83 655
9-6-2019 at 04:32 PM
by brucedog
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Folder Baja Golfing  
33 414
2-21-2014 at 05:02 PM
by bajadock
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Folder Baja Boating  
110 1189
6-18-2024 at 07:28 PM
by mtgoat666
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Folder Baja Health & Wellness  
Please remember to consult with your doctor regarding any personal situations.
126 2121
5-18-2024 at 11:25 AM
by surabi
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Baja Classified Ads
Folder My Baja Website  
Please come visit my Baja-related website.
375 2569
1-5-2025 at 09:22 AM
by David K
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Folder Baja Events  
Information on upcoming special events.
630 6704
8-25-2024 at 12:45 PM
by surfhat
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Folder Baja Rentals Available  
Accomodation Rentals You Have Available
317 2006
12-27-2024 at 08:09 PM
by surabi
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Folder Baja Rentals Wanted  
Accomodation Rentals You Seek
230 1365
6-29-2024 at 09:51 PM
by Ateo
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Folder Baja Real Estate Available  
Real Estate Opportunities You Have Available
686 8296
2-20-2024 at 10:31 AM
by JZ
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Folder Baja Real Estate Wanted  
Real Estate Opportunities You Seek
97 792
10-22-2023 at 11:37 AM
by BeachSeeker
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Folder Baja Guided Trips & Tours  
Guided Trips & Tours Offered/Available.
117 928
12-23-2024 at 09:20 PM
by HeyMulegeScott
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Folder Baja Travel Packages  
Travel Packages Offered/Available.
25 149
7-3-2018 at 09:23 PM
by Paco Facullo
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Folder Baja Business Opportunities  
Offered/Available Business Opportunities
58 591
6-25-2023 at 01:27 AM
by Riding Luna
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Folder Baja Classifieds - Other  
Classified advertising not fitting any other current category.
1688 11851
12-18-2024 at 12:27 PM
by David K
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cortezpirasea, surabi, PaulW, mtgoat666, 4x4abc, Lobsterman, bajafreaks, bajadogs, bajatrailrider, JDCanuck, David K, AKgringo, JZ, Fatboy, nahhee, BoenBaja, Lance S., desertcpl, Mulege Canuck, KurtG, stillnbaja, Mula, Almost, Tioloco, cupcake, ligui, chippy, Phil C, baja Steve, Suncoast, StuckSucks, jlwwally, hedley, wilderone, DouglasP, Floatflyer, dutra, jwheel1970, Ateo, mjs, chatolj, Pablito1, twogringos, kk6mbh, pniles, advrider, jedge42, sc-surfer, Lee, Loretana, Tommy A 
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"If it were lush and rich, one could understand the pull, but it is fierce and hostile and sullen. The stone mountains pile up to the sky and there is little fresh water. But we know we must go back if we live, and we don't know why." - Steinbeck, Log from the Sea of Cortez


"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." - Theodore Roosevelt


"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them or to them." - Malcolm Forbes


"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you." - Jim Rohn


"The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer." - Cunningham's Law

Thank you to Baja Bound Mexico Insurance Services for your long-term support of the Forums site.

Emergency Baja Contacts Include:

Desert Hawks; El Rosario-based ambulance transport; Emergency #: (616) 103-0262